[罗军武; 黄建安] Key Laboratory of Tea Science of Ministry of Education, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China
[高士伟; 龚自明; 桂安辉] Institute of Fruit and Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan, 430064, China
[叶飞] Key Laboratory of Tea Science of Ministry of Education, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China<&wdkj&>Institute of Fruit and Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan, 430064, China
polyphenol oxidase;physical and chemical quality;color;aroma components
In order to improve the Yihong black tea quality in summer, different polyphenol oxidases from Jinshui NO1, Fengshui, Huanghua and E'li NO2 Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai were utilized to ameliorate the fermentation, and the sensory quality, chemical components and aroma of Yihong black tea in summer were compared in present paper. Results indicated the notable differences in oxidation kinetics curves of polyphenol oxidase from different Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai. The Jinshui NO1 and Fengshui had high enzyme activities, the maximum reaction rate achieved th...