Engineering Research Center for Horticultural Crop Germplasm Creation and New Variety Breeding of Ministry of Education, College of Horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan, Changsha, China
National Key Research and Development Program of China#&#ߥYFD1200200
Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China#&#ߥJJ30310
Research Foundation of Education Department of Hunan Province, China#&#B278
Woody cutting is customarily utilized as a material in research on grape adventitious root formation (ARF). However, phenotypic heterogeneity caused by the complex background influenced its use for molecular mechanism research of ARF of grape. The present study tested various types of explants from grape tissue culture plantlets and found that the whole leaf: blade with the petiole (LP) was the simplest unit that can easily form adventitious roots (ARs). LP explants which can be easily obtained, directly generate ARs via de novo organogenesis f...