Environmentally and economical method for Na2Fe(SO4)2 with a broken, hollow cuboid structure as high performance sodium battery electrode
Wang, Ying-Rong;Yang, Yuan;Nie, Yu -Lin;Wang, Qian;Liu, Shan;...
Journal of Energy Storage ,2024年83:110629 ISSN:2352-152X
Wang, Q
[Nie, Yu -Lin; Wang, Ying-Rong; Wang, Qian; Liu, Shan; Wang, Qiang] Cent South Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Changsha 410083, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Wang, Qiang] Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Yuan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Int Joint Lab Hunan Agr Typ Pollut Restorat & Wate, 1 Nongda Rd, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Wang, Q; Wang, Qiang] 932 Lushan Rd, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.
[Wang, Q ] 9;932 Lushan Rd, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.
Carbon black;Electric discharges;Heat resistance;Iron compounds;Metal ions;Sodium compounds;Sodium-ion batteries;Sulfur compounds;Battery electrode;Broken and hollow cuboid structure;Economical methods;High-performance cathode;Iron-based;Iron-based sulphate;Moisture resistance;Performance;Sodium battery;Sodium ion batteries;Cathodes
Iron-based sulfate (Na2Fe(SO4)(2)) is receiving increasing attention because of its heat resistance, moisture resistance as well as low cost. Herein, Na2Fe(SO4)(2) (NFS/bc + s), which is modified by sucrose and carbon black, was synthesized by the method of environment-friendly and economic liquid phase without waste water and with similar to 100 % utilization of raw materials. NFS/bc + s has a special structure with broken, open, porous, hollow cuboid, which provide an excellent specific capacity of 90.64 mAh/g at 0.1C, additionally, NFS/bc + s also shows good stability in charge-discharge cycles (its discharge capacity remain 71 % of initial capacity after 100 cycles at 1C between the high voltage range from 2.75 to 4.5 V). The excellent electrochemical performance is due to the large number of electrochemical active sites provided by the broken hollow structure. Therefore, the prepared electrode material has a potential practical application prospect in the sodium ion battery system.
Trends of pesticide residues in agricultural products in the Chinese market from 2011 to 2020
Zhou, Jiajun;Yang, Yu;Fang, Zhi;Liang, Jiahao;Tan, Yijin;...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis ,2023年122:105482 ISSN:0889-1575
Liao, CJ
[Liao, Chanjuan; Liao, CJ; Gong, Daoxin; Fang, Zhi; Tan, Yijin; Liu, Guanxin; Zhou, Jiajun; Yang, Yu; Liang, Jiahao; Liu, Wenyu] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Environm & Ecol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Liao, CJ ] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Environm & Ecol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
Pesticide residues;Agricultural products;Food composition;Food safety;China
Pesticide residues in market products pose a serious threat to consumers' health. This study aimed to analyze pesticide residues in agricultural products in the Chinese market. According to the data on agricultural products exceeding maximum residue levels (MRLs) obtained by the market supervision administration, 5387 batches of agricultural products (BAPs) in the Chinese market from 2011 to 2020 were extracted. The basic information of the data, time, region, crops and pesticides were discussed. The characteristics and trends of unqualified pesticide residues (UQPRs) in the Chinese market were statistically analyzed. The results showed that the BAPs withUQPRs increased over time, mainly occurring in spring and autumn. Most of the crops with UQPRs were leafy crops, among which Leek and Celery accounted for 28.3% and 16.9% of the total, respectively. Meanwhile, the regions with the most BAPs were Shandong, Henan, and Chongqing. Combining the statistical results and analyzing the reasons, the occurrence of UQPRs can be reduced from three aspects: government, market, and farmers. © 2023 Elsevier Inc.
A rice–chicory rotation pattern ensures safe grain production and phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated paddy fields: A four-year field experiment in southern China
Deng, Xiao;Wu, Shuangjun;Yang, Yang;Qin, Yongbo;Huang, Qinyi;...
Chemosphere ,2023年322:138192 ISSN:0045-6535
Yang, Yang(yyss0212@163.com)
[Huang, Qinyi; Wu, Weijian; Rong, Xiangmin; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Wu, Shuangjun; Qin, Yongbo; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Yang Yang] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, Hunan, China
Cadmium;Phytoremediation;Rice–chicory rotation;Straw removal
Cadmium (Cd) contamination in paddy systems is a serious problem, and a strategy must be devised that ensures safe grain production and rapid remediation of soil Cd contamination. To investigate the remediation potential of crop rotation and its effect on Cd accumulation in rice, a four-year (seven-season) rice–chicory rotation field trial was conducted on a moderately acidic Cd-contaminated paddy soil. Rice was planted in summers, followed by straw removal, and chicory, a Cd-enrichment plant, was planted during winter fallows. Rotation effects were compared with those with rice only (control). Rice yields between the rotation and control were not significantly different, whereas Cd concentrations in rice tissues decreased in the rotation. Cd concentration in brown rice of the low-Cd variety decreased to less than 0.2 mg/kg (national food safety standard) from the third season onward, whereas in the high-Cd variety, it decreased from 0.43 mg/kg in the first season to 0.24 mg/kg in the fourth season. The highest Cd concentration in chicory aboveground parts was 24.47 mg/kg, with an enrichment factor of 27.81. Chicory had high regenerative capacity and was repeatedly harvested for biomass in multiple mowings, with average aboveground biomass over 2000 kg/ha in a single mowing. Theoretical phytoextraction efficiency (TPE) of one rice season with straw removal was 0.84%–2.44%, whereas the highest TPE of one chicory season reached 8.07%. The seven seasons of rice–chicory rotation extracted up to 407 g/ha Cd from soil with a TPE exceeding 20%. Therefore, rice–chicory rotation and straw removal can effectively reduce Cd accumulation in subsequent rice crops, without interrupting production and simultaneously rapidly remediating Cd-contaminated soil. Thus, the production potential of light to moderately Cd-contaminated paddy fields can be realized with crop rotation. © 2023
Gong, Xiaomin;Shi, Guanwei;Zou, Dongsheng;Wu, Zhibin;Qin, Pufeng;...
Planta ,2023年257(2):1-13 ISSN:0032-0935
Xiaomin Gong
[Qin, Pufeng; Wu, Zhibin; Zhou, Yaoyu; Gong, Xiaomin; Shi, Guanwei; Zou, Dongsheng; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Wu, Zhibin; Gong, Xiaomin; Shi, Guanwei; Zou, Dongsheng; Yang, Yang] Key Lab Rural Ecosyst Hlth Dongting Lake Area Huna, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Xi] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Zhou, Lu] Changsha Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Hydraul Engn, Changsha 410114, Peoples R China.
[Xiaomin Gong] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>Key Laboratory for Rural Ecosystem Health in the Dongting Lake Area of Hunan Province, Changsha, China
Micro-/nano-plastics;Plant-based process;Remediation mechanisms;Influencing factors
Main conclusion This review proposed that phytoremediation could be applied for the decontamination of MPs/NPs.Micro- and nano-plastics (MPs < 5 mm; NPs < 100 nm) are emerging contaminants. Much of the recent concerns have focused on the investigation of their pollution and their potential eco-toxicity. Yet little review was available on the decontamination of MPs/NPs. Recently, the uptake of MPs/NPs by plants has been confirmed. Here, in view of the current knowledge, this review introduces MPs/NPs pollution and highlights the updated information about the interaction between MPs/NPs and plants. This review proposed that phytoremediation could be a potential possible way for the in situ remediation of MPs/NPs-contaminated environment. The possible mechanisms, influencing factors, and existing problems are summarized, and further research needs are proposed. This review herein provides new insights into the development of plant-based process for emerging pollutants decontamination, as well as the alleviation of MPs/NPs-induced toxicity to the ecosystem.
Field-scale differences in rhizosphere micro-characteristics of Cichorium intybus, Ixeris polycephala, sunflower, and Sedum alfredii in the phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil
Zeng, Xinyi;Yang, Yang* ;Zhang, Qiuguo;Zeng, Chunyang;Deng, Xiao;...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ,2023年262:115137 ISSN:0147-6513
Yang, Yang
[Zeng, Xinyi; Zeng, Chunyang; Zhang, Qiuguo; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Gong, Xiaomin; Zou, Dongsheng] College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, PR China;[Zeng, Xinyi; Zeng, Chunyang; Zhang, Qiuguo; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Gong, Xiaomin; Zou, Dongsheng] Key Laboratory for Rural Ecosystem Health in Dongting Lake Area of Hunan Province, Changsha 410128, PR China;[Zeng, Xinyi] School of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an, Jiangxi 343009, PR China;[Yang, Yang] Key Laboratory for Rural Ecosystem Health in Dongting Lake Area of Hunan Province, Changsha 410128, PR China. Electronic address: yyss0212@163.com;[Yuan, Haiwei] Hunan Huanbaoqiao Ecology and Environment Engineering Co., Ltd, Changsha, Hunan 410128, PR China
[Yang Yang] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, PR China<&wdkj&>Key Laboratory for Rural Ecosystem Health in Dongting Lake Area of Hunan Province, Changsha 410128, PR China
Bacterial community;Cadmium;Organic acid;Phytoextraction;Rhizosphere characterization
Understanding the intricate interplay between Cd accumulation in plants and their rhizosphere micro-characteristics is important for the selection of plant species with profitable Cd phytoextraction and soil remediation efficiencies. This study investigated the differences in rhizosphere micro-ecological characteristics and Cd accumulation in chicory, Ixeris polycephala, sunflower, and Sedum alfredii in low-moderate Cd-contaminated soil. Data reveal that the dominant organic acids in rhizosphere soil that responded to Cd were oxalic and lactic acids in chicory and Ixeris polycephala, tartaric acid in sunflower, and succinic acid in Sedum alfredii. These unique organic acids could also influence the abundance of specific rhizobacterial communities in rhizosphere soil that were Sphingomonadaceae and Bradyrhizobiaceae in both Sedum alfredii (9.75 % and 2.56 %, respectively) and chicory (8.98 % and 2.82 %, respectively) rhizosphere soil, Xanthomonadaceae in both Sedum alfredii and Ixeris polycephala rhizosphere soil, and Gaiellaceae in chicory rhizosphere soil. In this case, the combined effects of the organic acids and unique rhizobacterial communities by plant species increased the bioavailable concentration of Cd in Sedum alfredii, Ixeris polycephala, and sunflower rhizosphere soil, while decreasing the Cd-DOM concentrations in chicory rhizosphere soil and the water-extractable Cd reduced by 88.02 % compared to the control. Though the capacity for Cd accumulation in the shoots of chicory was weaker than of Sedum alfredii but better than either Ixeris polycephala or sunflower, chicory presented better Cd translocation and harbored Cd mainly as the low toxic chemical form of pectates and proteins-bound Cd and Cd oxalate in its shoot. Generally, chicory, as an economic plant, is suitable for phytoremediation of low-moderate Cd-contaminated soil after Sedum alfredii.
Cichorium intybus L. is a potential Cd-accumulator for phytoremediation of agricultural soil with strong tolerance and detoxification to Cd
Wu, Shuangjun;Yang, Yang;Qin, Yongbo;Deng, Xiao;Zhang, Qiuguo;...
Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2023年451:131182 ISSN:0304-3894
Yang Yang
[Zhang, Qiuguo; Zeng, Qingru; Wu, Shuangjun; Qin, Yongbo; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Zou, Dongsheng] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Zhang, Qiuguo; Zeng, Qingru; Wu, Shuangjun; Qin, Yongbo; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Zou, Dongsheng] Hunan Prov Key Lab Rural Ecosyst Hlth Dongting Lak, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Yang Yang] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Rural Ecosystem Health in Dongting Lake Area, Changsha 410128, China
Agriculture;Bioremediation;Detoxification;Plants (botany);Soil pollution;Soils;Accumulation characteristics;Agricultural soils;Cadmium tolerance;Chicory;Chicory (cichorium intybus);Cichorium intybus;Detoxification mechanism;Hydroponic experiments;Phytoremediation;Year-round phytoremediation;Cadmium;cadmium;catalase;hydrogen peroxide;malonaldehyde;peroxidase;plant protein;reactive oxygen metabolite;superoxide dismutase;cadmium;agricultural soil;bioaccumulation;cadmium;detoxification;herb;photoprotection;phytoremediation;pollution tolerance;agricultural land;Article;bioaccumulation;biomass;chemical stress;chemisorption;chicory;concentration (parameter);controlled study;field experiment;fluorescence;harvesting;hydroponics;nonhuman;photochemical efficiency;phytoremediation;phytotoxicity;plant growth;plant stress;plant tissue;quantum chemistry;root morphology;soil pollution control;summer;surface property;winter;bioremediation;metabolism;plant;soil;soil pollutant;Biodegradation, Environmental;Cadmium;Chicory;Plants;Soil;Soil Pollutants
Identifying suitable plants for phytoremediation of Cd (cadmium) contaminated agricultural soil is critical. In this study, whether chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) qualified as an ideal accumulator for phytoremediation was investigated. The hydroponic and pot experiments showed that Cd concentration in chicory leaves exceeded 100 mg kg−1 (BCF >1, TF >1) with 40 mg kg−1 Cd in pot; No significant effects on chicory growth, leaf protein and physiological and biochemical aspects when treated with ≤ 20 μM or 40 mg kg−1 Cd, because chicory could relieve Cd toxicity by increasing activities of photoprotection mechanisms, the reactive oxygen species scavenging system and concentrations of functional groups in plant tissues. In field experiment, 16.2 and 26.6 t ha−1 of chicory leaves was harvested in winter and summer, respectively. The highest Cd concentration in leaves was close to 25.0 mg kg−1 (BCF >1, TF >1) from the acid soil with 0.980 mg kg−1 Cd. Over 320 g ha−1 Cd was extracted from soil by harvesting chicory leaves both in winter and summer, with 9.24% and 12.9% of theoretical phytoremediation efficiency. Therefore, chicory can be as an ideal Cd-accumulator for phytoremediation of slight-to-moderate Cd-contaminated agricultural soil in any season. © 2023 Elsevier B.V.
Film mulching alters soil properties and increases Cd uptake in Sedum alfredii Hance-oil crop rotation systems
Yang, Wenjun;Dai, Jingrong;Liu, Zhaoyue;Deng, Xiao;Yang, Yang;...
Environmental Pollution ,2023年318:120948 ISSN:0269-7491
Zeng, Qingru(qrzeng@163.com)
[Liu, Zhaoyue; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Wenjun; Dai, Jingrong; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Qingru Zeng] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China
Cadmium (Cd);Crop rotation;Film mulching (FM);Phytoremediation;Soil aggregate
Film mulching (FM) is an agronomic measure worldwide, yet its effect on cadmium (Cd) accumulation in plants is unknown. This study investigated the potential for phytoremediation with FM treatment of Cyperus esculentus L. (chufa) and Sedum alfredii Hance (S. alfredii)–oil crop rotation system. The FM increased the biomass and Cd content of the chufa, resulting in an increase of 65.0–193.5% in the Cd accumulation. S. alfredii also was planted using non-film mulching and film mulching (FMSA), followed by rotation oil plants using non-film mulching. Soil pH and dissolved organic carbon content were significantly reduced, and the Cd grain size fraction of macro-aggregates was significantly increased by FMSA, which increased the uptake of available Cd by S. alfredii. This phenomenon further promoted the accumulation of Cd in S. alfredii and reduced the Cd content of aboveground tissues and seeds in subsequent oil crops. Vegetable oils were safely produced in all treatments due to their low Cd content. Compared with non-film mulching, FM increased the Cd accumulation of rotation systems by 66.8–96.4%, and the Cd remediation efficiency reached 11.8–12.9%. Collectively, the FM treatment effectively improved the remediation efficiency of Cd in the rotation system and ensured the safe production of vegetable oil. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd
Assessment of the potential for phytoremediation of cadmium polluted soils by various crop rotation patterns based on the annual input and output fluxes
Yang, Yihao;Xiao, Chenfeng;Wang, Fan;Peng, Liang;Zeng, Qingru* ;...
Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2022年423(Pt B):127183 ISSN:0304-3894
Zeng, Qingru;Luo, Si
[Luo, Si; Peng, Liang; Xiao, Chenfeng; Zeng, Qingru; Zeng, QR; Luo, S; Yang, Yihao; Wang, Fan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Zeng, QR; Luo, S] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Bioremediation;Cadmium;Crops;Farms;Rotation;Soil pollution;Soil pollution control;Soils;Calculation method;Crop rotation;Input and output flux;Input and outputs;Oil crop rotation;Oil crops;Oil seed rape;Phytoremediation;Phytoremediation potentials;Safety production;Oilseeds;cadmium;fertilizer;ground water;surface water;cadmium;agricultural land;cadmium;crop rotation;phytoremediation;soil pollution;topsoil;agricultural land;Article;atmospheric deposition;biomass production;comparative study;crop rotation;dry deposition;fertilizer application;food crop;heavy metal removal;irrigation (agriculture);leaching;oil crop;oilseed;peanut;phytoextraction;phytoremediation;rapeseed;rice;soil pollution;sunflower;surface runoff;surface soil;wet deposition;bioremediation;crop production;soil;soil pollutant;Brassica napus;Biodegradation, Environmental;Cadmium;Crop Production;Soil;Soil Pollutants
Phytoremediation potential of two oil crop rotations (oilseed sunflower–rape (O+Ra) and peanut–oilseed rape (P+Ra)) was compared with three conventional cropping patterns (rice–rape (R+Ra), rice–rice (R+R), single cropped rice (SR)) in experimental plots with cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soil. A new approach was used to evaluate phytoremediation potential based on the balance between annual input and output fluxes of Cd in farmland soil. In O+Ra and P+Ra rotations, 77.24 and 62.09 g/ha Cd were removed, respectively, whereas in R+Ra, R+R, and SR patterns, 41.79, 46.46, and 23.85 g/ha Cd were removed, respectively. The balance between inputs and outputs of Cd was − 40.72 and − 25.76 g/ha under O+Ra and P+Ra rotations, respectively. Available Cd content in topsoil was reduced by 5.58% and 3.91% under O+Ra and P+Ra rotations, respectively. Based on the balance between Cd inputs and outputs, phytoremediation efficiencies of O+Ra (1.23%) and P+Ra (0.78%) rotations were higher than those of R+R (0.29%), R+Ra (0.13%), and SR (− 0.38%) systems. Because crop removal is the main Cd output pathway, selection of a suitable crop is particularly important in remediation of Cd-contaminated farmland. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Wang, Hou;Yang, Yi;Yuan, Xingzhong;Teo, Wei Liang;Wu, Yan;...
Materials Today ,2022年53:106-133 ISSN:1369-7021
Wang, H.
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China;Key Laboratory of Environment Biology and Pollution Control, Ministry of Education, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China;[Liang Teo W.; Zhao, Yanli] Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore, 637371, Singapore;[Wu, Yan] College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China;[Wang, Hou] College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China, Key Laboratory of Environment Biology and Pollution Control, Ministry of Education, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China, Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore, 637371, Singapore
[Wang, H.] C;College of Environmental Science and Engineering, China
Covalent organic frameworks;Large-scale synthesis;Performance;Practical applications;Structure design
Pre-designed structures and tailor-made functions make covalent organic frameworks (COFs) quickly become promising reticular platforms for multidisciplinary fields. Despite the overarching success, controllable and large-scale synthesis of COFs is still a huge challenge. Moreover, the relationship between the structure and performance of COFs in various fields has not been well understood, seriously limiting their practical applications. In this review, we provide an insightful and fundamental understanding of COFs from structural perspectives, and correlate them with eventual performance in practical applications. By summarizing both the top-down and bottom-up approaches, we address how typical issues, such as the size, morphology, dispersity and stability of COFs, are resolved, which should be crucial for their function-oriented and large-scale production. Structural and physicochemical properties, such as pores, ligands, stacking, linkages, functional group, morphology, crystallinity, dimensionality and wetting, are also discussed in relation to various functions. In addition, in-depth discussions regarding the correlations between structural characteristics of COFs and their performance in catalysis, energy storage, gas/liquid adsorption and membrane separation are presented. Finally, perspectives for the future direction of this field are proposed, to provide useful guidance for the function-oriented design and scalable production of COFs to meet the practical requirements of applications. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd
Three-season rotation of chicory-tobacco-peanut with high biomass and bioconcentration factors effectively remediates cadmium-contaminated farmland
Chen, Linhan;Yang, Wenjun;Yang, Yang;Tu, Pengfei;Hu, Shengnan;...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,2022年29(43):64822-64831 ISSN:0944-1344
Zeng, QR
[Zeng, QR; Chen, Linhan; Hu, Shengnan; Zeng, Qingru; Tu, Pengfei; Yang, Wenjun; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Zeng, QR ] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Cadmium;Crop rotation;Food safety;Large-biomass crops;Phytoextraction efficiency;Soil Cd fractions
Traditional phytoremediation is one approach to remediate heavy metal pollution. In developing countries, the key factor in promoting practical application of phytoremediation in polluted soils is selecting suitable plants that are tolerant to heavy metals and also produce products with economic value. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted with a three-season chicory–tobacco–peanut rotation to determine effects on remediation of cadmium (Cd)-contaminated farmland in China. All crops had strong Cd accumulation capacity, with bioconcentration factors of 6.61 to 11.97 in chicory, 3.85 to 21.61 in tobacco, and 1.36 to 7.0 in peanut. Yield of total dry biomass reached 32.4 t ha−1, and the Cd phytoextraction efficiency was 10.3% per year. Aboveground tissues of the three crops accounted for 83.9 to 91.2% of total biomass in the rotation experiment. Cd content in peanut grain and oil met the National Food Safety Standard of China (0.5mgkg−1, GB 2762–2017) and the Food Contaminant Limit of the European Union (0.1mgkg−1, 18,812,006). Therefore, in addition to phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soils, the chicory–tobacco–peanut rotation system can also produce economic benefits for local farmers. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
Flag leaf cell wall functional groups and components play a crucial role in the accumulation and translocation of Cd in rice grain via foliage application of humic acid
Deng, Xiao;Chen, Bin;Chen, Yixuan;Jiang, Lu;Hu, Yumin;...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ,2022年239:113658 ISSN:0147-6513
Zeng, Qingru
[Peng, Liang; Hu, Yumin; Rong, Xiangmin; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Chen, Bin; Jiang, Lu; Yang, Yang; Chen, Yixuan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Zeng, Qingru] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China. Electronic address:
Rice cadmium;Humic acid;Flag leaf;Cell wall;Potentiometric titration
Devising a low-cost and effective strategy to reduce Cd contamination of brown rice is critical to achieve the safe production of rice grain for human consumption. Accordingly, here field experiments were conducted at two sites to evaluate the effects of applying humic acid (HA) to foliage twice, at the booting and full heading stage, on diminishing the translocation of cadmium (Cd) into rice grains. Besides measuring the Cd subcellular distribution in the flag leaf and the polysaccharide composition of the cell wall, the latter's types and concentrations of functional groups were quantitatively analyzed by potentiometric titration and fitted by a surface complexation model. The results demonstrated that applying HA to leaves not only increased the rice yield but also reduced the Cd concentration in brown rice by 35.48-39.74% when using an application rate of just 600g/ha. The HA treatment augmented Cd fixation in flag leaves, reduced the Cd translocation to rachis and brown rice, and increased the subcellular distribution of Cd in flag leaf cell wall. Furthermore, the Cd concentration in the pectin and hemicellulose 1 of cell wall increased by 33.00% and 25.73%, respectively. Besides those effects, foliar spraying of HA induced a greater abundance of carboxyl, hydroxyl, and amino groups on the cell wall, allowing for more sites to be involved in the binding of Cd, thereby promoting the immobilization of Cd in the flag leaf, and ultimately reducing the remobilization of Cd into the grain. Thus, foliage application of HA may offer a promising and cost-effective tactic for the remediation and continued use of Cd-contaminated paddy soils. CAPSULE: Foliage application of humic acid promoted the deposition of Cd in the cell wall of rice flag leaf, thereby enhancing the immobilization of Cd and ultimately reducing the remobilization of Cd into the grain.
Embracing mountain microbiome and ecosystem functions under global change
Wang, Jianjun;Hu, Ang;Meng, Fanfan;Zhao, Wenqian;Yang, Yunfeng;...
New Phytologist ,2022年234(6):1987-2002 ISSN:0028-646X
Wang, JJ
[Wang, Jianjun; Hu, Ang; Zhao, Wenqian; Meng, Fanfan] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Lake Sci & Environm, Nanjing Inst Geog & Limnol, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China.;[Wang, Jianjun; Zhao, Wenqian; Meng, Fanfan] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Ang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Yunfeng] Tsinghua Univ, Sch Environm, State Key Joint Lab Environm Simulat & Pollut Con, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.;[Soininen, Janne] Univ Helsinki, Dept Geosci & Geog, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland.
[Wang, JJ ] C;Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Lake Sci & Environm, Nanjing Inst Geog & Limnol, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China.;Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
biodiversity;drivers;ecosystem functions;elevational gradients;global change;manipulated experiments;meta-ecosystems;microorganisms
Mountains are pivotal to maintaining habitat heterogeneity, global biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services to humans. They have provided classic model natural systems for plant and animal diversity gradient studies for over 250 years. In the recent decade, the exploration of microorganisms on mountainsides has also achieved substantial progress. Here, we review the literature on microbial diversity across taxonomic groups and ecosystem types on global mountains. Microbial community shows climatic zonation with orderly successions along elevational gradients, which are largely consistent with traditional climatic hypotheses. However, elevational patterns are complicated for species richness without general rules in terrestrial and aquatic environments and are driven mainly by deterministic processes caused by abiotic and biotic factors. We see a major shift from documenting patterns of biodiversity towards identifying the mechanisms that shape microbial biogeographical patterns and how these patterns vary under global change by the inclusion of novel ecological theories, frameworks and approaches. We thus propose key questions and cutting-edge perspectives to advance future research in mountain microbial biogeography by focusing on biodiversity hypotheses, incorporating meta-ecosystem framework and novel key drivers, adapting recently developed approaches in trait-based ecology and manipulative field experiments, disentangling biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships and finally modelling and predicting their global change responses. © 2022 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2022 New Phytologist Foundation.
Field-scale remediation of cadmium-contaminated farmland soil by Cichorium intybus L.: Planting density, repeated harvests, and safe use of its Cd-enriched biomass for protein feed
Deng, Xiao;Yuan, Xiaoqing;Chen, Linhan;Chen, Yixuan;Rong, Xiangmin;...
Industrial Crops and Products ,2022年188:115604 ISSN:0926-6690
Zeng, Qingru;Yang, Y
[Yuan, Xiaoqing; Yang, Yang; Chen, Linhan; Rong, Xiangmin; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Zeng, QR; Chen, Yixuan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Yang, Y ; Zeng, QR] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Cadmium;Cichorium intybus L.;Crude protein;Planting density;Repeated harvest
Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is a perennial herb cultivated worldwide that has a wide range of industrial uses, produces large yields, and also has strong cadmium (Cd) accumulation ability. In field experiments in two farmlands with acidic soils, chicory potential to remove Cd from contaminated soils was evaluated at different planting densities and with repeated harvesting. To determine whether Cd-contaminated biomass could be used as a feed ingredient, efficacy of detoxification was measured with successive extractions using different concentrations of HCl. Biomass per plant decreased with an increase in planting density, and maximum biomass per plant in the two experimental fields was 17.11 and 13.89 g·plant−1. However, the increase in plant numbers at high planting density increased total biomass per hectare, and maximum accumulated biomass at the highest planting density in the two experimental fields was 14,226 and 22,020 kg·ha−1. The highest Cd concentrations were at the first harvest and were 27.68 and 19.27 mg·kg−1 Cd in the two fields, resulting in bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of 24.94 and 24.39, respectively. With the increase in number of harvests, aboveground Cd concentrations and BCFs decreased. Planting density had no consistent effect on aboveground Cd concentrations at the first two harvests, whereas Cd concentration decreased gradually with the increase in density at the last three harvests. Collectively, after five repeated harvests, total Cd uptake was highest at the highest planting density, reaching 237.55 g·ha−1 (field 2), and the corresponding phytoextraction efficiency was 11.57%. Two consecutive extractions with 0.5% HCl removed 96.30% of Cd in leaf meal, which reduced Cd concentration below the threshold for feed safety while retaining most of the crude protein, there remained a substantial crude protein content with 173.1 g·kg−1. Thus, biomass of forage crops used for phytoremediation may also provide economic gain. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.
Cloud point extraction (CPE) combined with single particle -inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) to analyze and characterize nano-silver sulfide in water environment
Wei, Wen-Jing;Yang, Yuan;Li, Xin-Yuan;Huang, Peng;Wang, Qiang* ;...
Talanta ,2022年239:123117 ISSN:0039-9140
Wang, Qiang;Yang, Ping-Jian
[Wei, Wen-Jing; Wang, Qiang; Li, Xin-Yuan; Huang, Peng] Cent South Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Key Lab Hunan Prov Water Environm & Agr Prod Safe, Changsha 410083, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Wang, Qiang] State Environm Protect Key Lab Monitoring Heavy M, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Yuan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Int Joint Lab Hunan Agr Typ Pollut Restorat & Wat, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Ping-Jian] Chinese Res Inst Environm Sci, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Ping-Jian] 932 Lushan Nan Rd, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.
[Wang, Qiang] C;[Yang, Ping-Jian] 9;Cent South Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Key Lab Hunan Prov Water Environm & Agr Prod Safe, Changsha 410083, Hunan, Peoples R China.;932 Lushan Nan Rd, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.
Ag2S-NPs;Water;Particle number concentration;Vulcanization;Quantitative analysis
Silver Nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), an emerging type of pollutant, might occur various physical and chemical transformations, which would affect its environmental fate, transformation and biological effects. Sulfurization is the most common conversion of Ag-NPs, accompanied by the formation of nano-silver sulfide (Ag2S-NPs). The method of Ag2S-NPs analysis and characterization is of great significance for assessing the environmental risks of Ag. In this study, cloud point extraction (CPE) and Single Particle-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) were used in combination to establish a simple and reliable analysis method to quantify Ag2S-NPs in water, with the morphology unchanged. Non-Ag2S-NPs were dissociated into Ag+ firstly, and Ag2S-NPs and Ag+ were separated by CPE, followed by SP-ICP-MS analysis. The extraction rate based on particle number concentration was between (76.19 ± 0.56) % to (106.35 ± 0.00) % in environmental waters. Compared with the (76.96 ± 2.18) nm Ag2S-NPs spiked, the particle size extracted increased slightly with (94.19 ± 2.72) nm- (97.25 ± 0.22) nm as the large-size Ag2S-NPs originally presented in waters, instead of agglomeration. This method could be generally applicable to the analysis of Ag2S-NPs in waters, and provide ideas for other metal sulfide nanoparticles (MS-NPs), which has certain significance. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
西藏农业科技 ,2021年43(01):24-28 ISSN:1005-2925
湖南农业大学资源环境学院/土壤肥料资源高效利用国家工程实验室/农田污染控制与农业资源利用湖南省重点实验室,长沙410128;湖南华绿生物科技有限公司,湖南湘潭 411200;[旦增; 云丹佳措] 西藏白朗县农牧综合服务中心,西藏日喀则 857000;西藏珠峰华绿生态农业科技有限公司,西藏日喀则 857000;[荣湘民; 杨勇] 湖南农业大学
采用田间小区试验,研究"珠峰4000"青稞专用控失肥对青稞籽粒产量、养分吸收和肥料利用率的影响。结果表明:在试验设置施肥量范围内,施用青稞专用控失肥青稞籽粒产量明显增加,且籽粒产量随施肥量的增加呈上升趋势;养分累积量与籽粒产量的趋势一致,而肥料利用率却呈下降趋势。施肥量为900 kg/hm~2时产量最高,达到4 682.3 kg/hm~2,增产幅度达到150.7%。有效穗、穗粒数、结实率和千粒质量都明显增加,而有效穗和穗粒数对籽粒产量影响较大。
Nanoscale zerovalent iron, carbon nanotubes and biochar facilitated the phytoremediation of cadmium contaminated sediments by changing cadmium fractions, sediments properties and bacterial community structure
Gong, Xiaomin* ;Huang, Danlian* ;Liu, Yunguo;Zou, Dongsheng;Hu, Xi;...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ,2021年208:111510 ISSN:0147-6513
Gong, Xiaomin;Huang, Danlian
[Xiao, Zhihua; Wu, Zhibin; Gong, Xiaomin; Zou, Dongsheng; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Xiao, Zhihua; Wu, Zhibin; Gong, Xiaomin; Zou, Dongsheng; Yang, Yang] Key Lab Rural Ecosyst Hlth Dongting Lake Area Hun, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Huang, Danlian; Liu, Yunguo] Hunan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Xi] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Zhou, Lu] Changsha Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Hydraul Engn, Changsha 410114, Peoples R China.
[Gong, Xiaomin; Huang, Danlian] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;Hunan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China.
Plant growth;Cadmium accumulation;Cd fractions;Sediments properties;Bacterial community
Environment functional materials have been widely used, but whether their effects on the contaminated environment could facilitate phytoremediation is not yet well understood. In this study, starch stabilized nanoscale zerovalent iron (SN), multiwall carbon nanotubes (MW) and tea waste derived biochar (TB) were used to facilitate the phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) contaminated sediments by Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Results showed that 100 mg/kg SN, 500 mg/kg MW and 500 mg/kg TB facilitated phytoremediation, as evidenced by increasing Cd accumulation and/or promoting plant growth. These concentrations of materials increased the reducible fraction of Cd by 9–10% and decreased the oxidizable proportion of Cd by 48–52%, indicating the improvement of Cd bioavailability through converting the oxidizable Cd into reducible form. The activities of urease, phosphatase and catalase, which related to nutrient utilization and oxidative stress alleviation, increased by 20–24%, 25–26%, and 8–9% in the sediments treated with 500 mg/kg MW and 500 mg/kg TB, respectively. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequence results showed that these concentrations of materials changed the bacterial diversity. The abundance of Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Nitrospirae and Firmicutes were increased by some of the applied materials, which could promote plant growth, change Cd bioavailability and reduce Cd toxicity. These findings indicated that the applied environment functional materials could facilitate the phytoremediation of Cd contaminated environment by changing Cd fractions, sediments properties and bacterial community structure. © 2020 The Authors
Variations in root morphological indices of rice (Oryza sativa L.) induced by seedling establishment methods and their relation to arsenic accumulation in plant tissues
Deng, Xiao;Chen, Bin;Chen, Yixuan;Lu, Lei;Yuan, Xiaoqing;...
Environmental Pollution ,2021年281:116999 ISSN:0269-7491
Zeng, Qingru(qrzeng@163.com)
[Yuan, Xiaoqing; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Chen, Bin; Yang, Yang; Chen, Yixuan; Lu, Lei] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Qingru Zeng] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
Arsenic;Growth stage;Rice seedling establishment;Root morphological indices
Understanding how the seedling establishment method affects arsenic (As) accumulation in rice is important for safe agricultural production. In a field experiment with three seedling establishment methods and two rice cultivars, the effects of direct seeding (DS), manual transplanting (MT), and seedling throwing (ST) on root morphological indices and the distribution, translocation, and accumulation of As in rice tissues across growth stages were compared. DS method resulted in the greatest accumulation of As in the two rice cultivars and led to more As distributed in aboveground tissues during the entire growth period. Especially in DS brown rice, the concentration of total As increased by 24.0%–40.8%, and that of inorganic As increased by 24.4%–40.0%, compared with the concentrations in MT and ST rice. A multiple regression model was developed with root morphological indices and the total As concentration in brown rice, and the R2 value of the model was 0.819, which was significant at the 1% level. Compared with the other establishment methods, the thinner diameters, smaller volumes, larger specific surface areas, and greater numbers of root tips in DS rice roots across growth stages promoted As uptake. The concentrations of As in root tips were approximately five times greater than those in the root base, and root tips were the key factor determining the difference in As accumulation in rice roots under the different seedling establishment methods. The results of this study demonstrate that the choice of an appropriate rice seedling establishment method is important to avoid the environmental consequences of As contamination and safely produce rice grain. Therefore, despite the current trend of increased use of DS, transplantation is recommended as a safer pattern of rice seedling establishment in As-contaminated areas. © 2021 Elsevier LtdDirect seeding method for rice production enhances the As accumulation in grain and transplanting should be promoted because it represents a safer way in As-contaminated areas. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd
The implications of planting mode on cadmium uptake and remobilization in rice: Field experiments across growth stages
Deng, Xiao;Chen, Yixuan;Yang, Yang;Peng, Liang;Si, Luo;...
环境科学与工程前沿(英文) ,2021年15(6):137-null ISSN:2095-2201
Zeng, Qingru(qrzeng@163.com)
[Si, Luo; Peng, Liang; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Chen, Yixuan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Qingru Zeng] C;College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China
Cadmium;Genotypes;Growth stages;Micro X-ray fluorescence;Planting mode
Global rice production practices have gradually changed from a reliance on transplanting to direct seeding. Yet how this shift may alter cadmium (Cd) accumulation in rice is poorly known. Here we conducted field experiments with two rice genotypes cultivars that were planted using three methods: via direct seeding (DS), seedling throwing (ST), and manual transplanting (MT). Rice samples were collected during four growth stages. The formation and distribution of iron plaque were analyzed using DCB (dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate) extractions and observed under micro-XRF (micro X-ray fluorescence). The results revealed that, in each growth stage, DS rice was more apt to harbor Cd distributed in the plant’s aerial parts, and the Cd concentration of brown rice from DS was 21.8%–43.3% significantly higher than those from ST and MT at maturity stage (p < 0.05). During the vegetative stages, the Cd uptake percentage was higher in DS than MT rice, and those plants arising from the DS method were capable of absorbing more Cd earlier in their growth and development. Conversely, using DS decreased the amount of iron plaque covering the root surface in every growth stage, especially in the critical period of Cd accumulation, such that the roots’ middle areas were distinguished by a near-complete absence of iron plaque, thus weakening its role as an effective barrier to Cd uptake from soil. Collectively, this study demonstrated that implementing the DS mode of planting will increase Cd’s distribution in the aboveground parts of rice, and heightening the risk of Cd contamination in grain. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2021, Higher Education Press.
Cadmium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) alleviated by basal alkaline fertilizers followed by topdressing of manganese fertilizer
Deng, Xiao;Chen, Yixuan;Yang, Yang;Lu, Lei;Yuan, Xiaoqing;...
Environmental Pollution ,2020年262(Jul.):114289 ISSN:0269-7491
Zeng, Qingru
[Zeng, Hongyuan; Yuan, Xiaoqing; Zeng, Qingru; Deng, Xiao; Yang, Yang; Chen, Yixuan; Lu, Lei] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Zeng, Hongyuan; Zeng, Qingru; Yang, Yang] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Biosci & Biotechnol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
[Zeng, Qingru] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
Rice;Cadmium;Alkaline fertilizer;Topdressing;Manganese fertilizer
Rice is a main source of dietary cadmium (Cd), thus, how to reduce the Cd concentration in brown rice has received extensive attention worldwide. In three acidic paddy soils slightly to moderately contaminated with Cd, a series of field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of different proportions of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) fertilizer (urea, calcium magnesium phosphate, and potassium carbonate, respectively) alone or coupled with a topdressing of manganese (Mn) fertilizer at the tillering stage on reducing Cd bioavailability in soil and uptake in rice. The rational application of NP-K fertilizer not only provided the basic nutrients to promote the normal growth of rice but also increased soil pH and thereby reduced the Cd bioavailability in soil. The Mg(NO3)(2)-extracted Cd concentrations in the three soils were reduced by 26.46-56.53%, while TCLP-extracted Cd were reduced by 19.87-45.41%, with little influence on soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter (OM). The application of Mn fertilizer at the tillering stage increased Mn and Cd sequestration in the iron plaque. The Mn content in iron plaque increased by 15.71-58.67% and a significant positive correlation between Cd and Mn was observed at the three sites. Collectively, this combined method of fertilization significantly reduced Cd accumulation in rice tissues, the Cd concentrations in roots of treated plants decreased by 11.18-37.78%, whereas the concentrations in straw decreased by 13.16-41.03%. Particularly to brown rice, in which accumulation decreased by 25.19-44.70%, 37.35-47.84%, and 38.00-60.88% in three typical paddy fields, but no significant effect was observed for the Cd translocation factors (TF) among rice tissues. Thus, the basal application of combined urea and alkaline inorganic fertilizers followed by topdressing of Mn fertilizer may be a promising and cost- effective tactics for the remediation of Cdcontaminated paddy soils. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Overexpression of a Defensin-Like Gene CAL2 Enhances Cadmium Accumulation in Plants
Luo, Jin-Song;Xiao, Yan;Yao, Junyue;Wu, Zhimin;Yang, Yong;...
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE ,2020年11:503982 ISSN:1664-462X
Zhang, Zhenhua
[Xiao, Yan; Luo, Jin-Song; Zhang, Zhenhua; Yao, Junyue; Wu, Zhimin; Yang, Yong] Hunan Agr Univ, Southern Reg Collaborat Innovat Ctr Grain & Oil C, Coll Resources & Environm Sci, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Xiao, Yan; Luo, Jin-Song; Zhang, Zhenhua; Yao, Junyue; Wu, Zhimin; Yang, Yong] Hunan Prov Key Lab Nutr Common Univ, Hunan Prov Key Lab Farmland Pollut Control & Agr, Natl Engn Lab Soil & Fertilizer Resources Efficie, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Ismail, Abdelbagi M.] Int Rice Res Inst, Manila, Philippines.
[Zhang, Zhenhua] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Southern Reg Collaborat Innovat Ctr Grain & Oil C, Coll Resources & Environm Sci, Changsha, Peoples R China.;Hunan Prov Key Lab Nutr Common Univ, Hunan Prov Key Lab Farmland Pollut Control & Agr, Natl Engn Lab Soil & Fertilizer Resources Efficie, Changsha, Peoples R China.
plant defensin;CAL2;Cadmium accumulation;Arabidopsis;rice
Accumulation and detoxification of cadmium in rice shoots are of great importance for adaptation to grow in cadmium contaminated soils and for limiting the transport of Cd to grains. However, the molecular mechanisms behind the processes involved in this regulation remain largely unknown. Defensin proteins play important roles in heavy metal tolerance and accumulation in plants. In rice, the cell wall-localized defensin protein (CAL1) is involved in Cd efflux and partitioning to the shoots. In the present study, we functionally characterized the CAL2 defensin protein and determined its contribution to Cd accumulation. CAL2 shared 66% similarity with CAL1, and its mRNA accumulation is mainly observed in roots and is unaffected by Cd stress, but its transcription level was lower than that of CAL1 based on the relative expression of CAL2/Actin1 observed in this study and that reported previously. A promoter-GUS assay revealed that CAL2 is expressed in root tips. Stable expression of the CAL2-mRFP fusion protein indicated that CAL2 is also localized in the cell walls. An in vitro Cd binding experiment revealed that CAL2 has Cd chelation activity. Overexpression of CAL2 increased Cd accumulation in Arabidopsis and rice shoots, but it had no effect on the accumulation of other essential elements. Heterologous expression of CAL2 enhanced Cd sensitivity in Arabidopsis, whereas overexpression of CAL2 had no effect on Cd tolerance in rice. These findings indicate that CAL2 positively regulates Cd accumulation in ectopic overexpression lines of Arabidopsis and rice. We have identified a new gene regulating Cd accumulation in rice grain, which would provide a new genetic resource for molecular breeding.