Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2019年172:19-25 ISSN:0147-6513
Wang, Zhi
[Wang, Zhi; Wang, Juan] Hunan Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Changsha 410081, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Yang, Huilin; Chen, Zhaoyang; Lei, Ziyan; Lv, Bo; Wang, Juan] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Biosci & Biotechnol, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Lv, Zhiyue] Sun Yat Sen Univ, Zhongshan Sch Med, Dept Parasitol, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, Peoples R China.;[Song, Qisheng] Univ Missouri, Div Plant Sci, Columbia, MO 65211 USA.
[Wang, Zhi] H;Hunan Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Changsha 410081, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Cd transporters;Cuticle;Cytochrome P450 enzymes;Ecdysteroids;Molting
Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs), encoded by Halloween genes, mediate the biosynthesis of molting hormone, ecdysteroids, in arthropods. In this report, the effect of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) stress on the expression of cytochrome P450 genes in the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata was analyzed. The results showed the expression levels of genes encoding for Cd transporters including ABC transporters, zinc transporters, calcium channel proteins and calcium binding proteins were inhibited or induced by Cd stress. In addition, the increase in metallothionein (MT) content and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity and decrease in total acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity were also detected. Apparently, these detoxification methods did not completely protect the spider from the cytotoxicity of Cd stress. Increased mortality of P. pseudoannulata was observed when they were under Cd tress. In total 569 CYP genes belonging to 62 CYP subfamilies were obtained from P. pseudoannulata RNA-seq databases. BlaxtX analysis showed that 150, 161, 11, and 40 CYP genes were similar to the genes dib, phm, sad and shd, respectively, which are thought to catalyze the biosynthesis of ecdysteroids. Gene expression analysis suggested that 25 dib encoding genes, 27 phm encoding genes, 2 sad encoding genes, and 6 shd encoding genes were differentially expressed in TS2 vs. S2 comparison (Cd-treated 2nd instar spider vs. 2nd instar spider), respectively. There were 70 dib, 70 phm and 19 shd encoding genes either upregulated or downregulated, while 3 sad encoding genes were upregulated in TS5 vs. S5 (Cd-treated 5nd instar spider vs. 5nd instar spider). Genes related to heme binding and essential for activating the CYPs were also differentially expressed. Expression levels of cuticle related genes were significant differentially expressed, implying the changes in activities of chitin synthases and chitinase. Therefore we assume that unsuccessful molting process may occur on P. pseudoannulata due to influenced ecdysteroids levels, thus increasing mortality of spider.
Due to some similarity of innate immunity between insects and mammals, the study of the molecular mechanism of innate immunity in insects has become a focus of research. However, the exact molecular and cellular basis of immune system in insect remains poorly understood. Characterization of the transcriptomic response to Cd of spider is an effective approach to understanding the innate immunity mechanisms. In this study, we carried out transcriptome sequencing and gene expression analyses to develop molecular resources for Pardosa pseudoannulata venom glands with and without Cd treatments. A total of 92,778 assembled unigenes and 237 Cd stress-associated differentially expressed genes between the Cd-treated and control groups were obtained. Expression profile analysis demonstrated that immunity-related genes involved in bacterial invasion of epithelial cells, leukocyte transendothelial migration, platelet activation, apoptosis, phagosome, and Rap1 signaling pathway were upregulated by Cd exposure, except the genes involved in PPAR signaling pathway were downregulated. Our results provide the first comprehensive transcriptome dataset of venom glands in P. pseudoannulata response to Cd, which is valuable for throws light on the immunotoxicity mechanism of Cd, and the innate immunity complexity.
The frequent occurrence of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms benefit from the dormant Microcystis cells, which will be recruited from sediment into overlying water to form a dominant population and algal blooms when external environmental conditions are suitable. Previous studies have unveiled factors involved in M. aeruginosa recruitment and bloom initiation, including nutrition, illumination, temperature, and hydrodynamic force. In this study, three dominant benthic bacterial species isolated from Lake Chongtian with frequent blooms-forming were identified through next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, and laboratory experiments were conducted on the recruitment of dormant M. aeruginosa cells via co-culture with these bacteria at 10 degrees C, 15 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 25 degrees C. The results showed that the bacterial strains in sediment proliferated quickly before recruitment of dormant M. aeruginosa cells, subsequently significantly promoted the recruitment of dormant M. aeruginosa via allelochemical (metabolite) production, lower N:P values and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations in the sediment-water interface, and enhanced photosynthesis of M. aeruginosa cells. Furthermore, dormant M. aeruginosa was recruited from sediment at 10 degrees C when bacterial activity was present, but not recruited when bacterial activity was absent. At 15 degrees C,20 degrees Cand 25 degrees C, there were no remarkable differences in the recruitment rate of dormant M. aeruginosa cells among all bacterial groups, although their recruitment rate were significantly higher than that at 10 degrees C.These findings suggested that, under laboratory conditions, three benthic bacteria not only had a great influence on promoting the recruitment of dormant M. aeruginosa cells under desirable temperatures, but also can spur recruitment of dormant M. aeruginosacells from sediment at lower temperature (10 degrees C).
animal;biological pest control;China;crop;growth, development and aging;life history trait;Oryza;physiology;predation;spider;Animals;China;Crops, Agricultural;Life History Traits;Oryza;Pest Control, Biological;Predatory Behavior;Spiders
Many laboratory and field studies have been conducted on rice field spiders in China. There are 375 species, 108 genera, and 22 families of rice field spiders distributed within the major rice growing areas and 17 dominant species. The biological and ecological characteristics of 17 rice field spider species have been reported in detail. The biology and ecology of these species show significant differences among regions, farmland habitats, and agricultural practices. Future research should focus on rice field habitat diversity, enhancing the insecticide resistance of dominant spider populations, implementing large-scale breeding of spiders and augmentative release, breeding more leaf dominant species, conducting biosafety assessment of spiders in transgenic crops.
green tides;source of propagules;Ulva prolifera;anti-fouling
Since 2007, large-scale green tides dominated by Ulva prolifera consecutively bloomed in the Yellow Sea and caused great economic losses. The fouling U. prolifera on the Pyropia yezoensis aquaculture rafts in the Subei Shoal was regarded as the major source of the floating biomass. However, it was still unclear about the seed source of fouling green macroalgae attached on the rafts. In this study, the field surveys and the indoor experiments were conducted to reveal the source of propagules of the fouling green macroalgae on the rafts and to study the anti-fouling material for P. yezoensis aquaculture rafts which could possibly be a feasible strategy to control the green tides in the Yellow Sea. The results showed that (1) micro-propagules of several green macroalgal species, including U. prolifera, U. linza, U. compressa, U. flexuosa, and Blidingia sp. coexisted in the waters and sediments in the Subei Shoal and their proportion remarkably changed over time; (2) the bamboo poles with peeling treatment could significantly reduce the amount of U. prolifera micro-propagules attached. This study confirmed that the micro-propagules distributed in the Subei Shoal area were the precursors of the green tides, and provided a feasible method to control the Yellow Sea large-scale green tides at the beginning.
<jats:p>Rosiglitazone (RG) is a well-known activator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR<jats:italic>γ</jats:italic>) and used to treat hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes; however, its clinical application has been confounded by adverse side effects. Here, we assessed the roles of chlorogenic acid (CGA), a phenolic secondary metabolite found in many fruits and vegetables, on the differentiation and lipolysis of mouse 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. The results showed that CGA promoted differentiation<jats:italic> in vitro</jats:italic> according to oil red O staining and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays. As a potential molecular mechanism, CGA downregulated mRNA levels of the adipocyte differentiation-inhibitor gene<jats:italic> Pref1</jats:italic> and upregulated those of major adipogenic transcriptional factors (<jats:italic>Cebpb</jats:italic> and<jats:italic> Srebp1</jats:italic>). Additionally, CGA upregulated the expression of the differentiation-related transcriptional factor PPAR<jats:italic>γ</jats:italic>2 at both the mRNA and protein levels. However, following CGA intervention, the accumulation of intracellular triacylglycerides following preadipocyte differentiation was significantly lower than that in the RG group. Consistent with this, our data indicated that CGA treatment significantly upregulated the expression of lipogenic pathway-related genes<jats:italic> Plin</jats:italic> and<jats:italic> Srebp1</jats:italic> during the differentiation stage, although the influence of CGA was weaker than that of RG. Notably, CGA upregulated the expression of the lipolysis-related gene<jats:italic> Hsl</jats:italic>, whereas it did not increase the expression of the lipid synthesis-related gene<jats:italic> Dgat1</jats:italic>. These results demonstrated that CGA might function as a potential PPAR<jats:italic>γ</jats:italic> agonist similar to RG; however, the impact of CGA on lipolysis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes differed from that of RG.</jats:p>
采用16S r DNA分子生物学分析方法,分别对试验组(喂食含Cry1Ab蛋白培养基上饲养的果蝇)和对照组(喂食普通培养基上饲养的果蝇)的拟环纹豹雌、雄蛛肠道细菌进行分析。发现,拟环纹豹蛛肠道细菌丰富,雌蛛肠道细菌丰富度大于雄蛛肠道细菌丰富度;优势菌属分别是短杆菌属(Brevibacterium)、短波单胞菌属(Brevundimonas)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、丛毛单胞菌属(Comamonas)、德沃斯氏菌属(Devosia)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、Leucobacter、杆菌属(Brachybacterium)、梭菌属(Clostridium);Bt蛋白对拟环纹豹蛛肠道细菌多样性有一定的影响,对放线菌属(Actinomycetes)的影响最小,对乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)和梭菌属(Clostridium)的影响较大。
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that can cause irreversible toxicity to animals, and is an environmental pollutant in farmlands. Spiders are considered to be an excellent model for investigating the impacts of heavy metals on the environment. To date, the changes at the molecular level in the cerebral ganglia of spiders are poorly understood. Cd exposure leads to strong damage in the nervous system, such as apoptosis and necrosis of nerve cells, therefore we conducted a transcriptomic analysis of <jats:italic>Pardosa pseudoannulata</jats:italic> cerebral ganglia under Cd stress to profile differential gene expression (DGE). We obtained a total of 123,328 assembled unigenes, and 1441 Cd stress-associated DEGs between the Cd-treated and control groups. Expression profile analysis demonstrated that many genes involved in calcium signaling, cGMP—PKG signaling, tyrosine metabolism, phototransduction–fly, melanogenesis and isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis were up-regulated under Cd stress, whereas oxidative phosphorylation-related, nervous disease-associated, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-associated, and ribosomal-associated genes were down-regulated. Here, we provide a comprehensive set of DEGs influenced by Cd stress, and heavy metal stress, and provide new information for elucidating the neurotoxic mechanisms of Cd stress in spiders.</jats:p>
Since the birth of transgenic crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin for pest control, the public debate regarding ecological and environmental risks as well as benefits of Bt crops has continued unabated. The impact of Bt crops, especially on non-target invertebrates, has received particular attention. In this review, we summarize and analyze evidences for non-target effects of Bt rice on spiders, major predators in rice fields. Bt rice has been genetically modified to express the Bt protein, which has been shown to be transferred and accumulate in spiders as part of their food chain. Moreover, the Bt protein exhibits unintended effects on the physiology of spiders and spreads to higher trophic levels. Spiders possess unique physiological and ecological characteristics, revealing traits of surrogate species, and are thus considered to be excellent non-target arthropod model systems for study of Bt protein impacts. Due to the complexities of Bt protein transfer and accumulation mechanisms, as well as the apparent lack of information about resulting physiological, biochemical, and ecological effects on spiders, we raise questions and provide recommendations for promising further research.