[Xue, Shuai; Tan, Tiansu; Xue, S; Yi, Zili] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Biosci & Biotechnol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Xu, Yi] China Agr Univ, Coll Agron & Biotechnol, Beijing, Peoples R China.;[Liao, Xionghui] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Subtrop Agr, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Xue, Shuai; Yi, Zili] Hunan Agr Univ, Hunan Engn Lab Miscanthus Ecol Applicat, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Xue, Shuai; Yi, Zili] Hunan Agr Univ, Natl Energy R&D Ctr Nonfood Biomass, Hunan Branch, Changsha, Peoples R China.
[Xue, S ] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Biosci & Biotechnol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
agricultural waste biomass;bioproducts;cadmium immobilization;control-releasing fertilizer;nutrient use efficiency;photosynthesis performance
Fertilizers produced based on the rice‐husk derived biochar generally have the capacity of nutrients slow‐releasing and cadmium immobilization. Moreover, application of rice husk biochar derived fertilizer induced a marked enhancement in the nutrient use efficiency, grain yield, harvest index, and photosynthetic characteristics. These are particular true for the high‐pressure soaked rice husk biochar produced fertilizer. Abstract China, as a significant global consumer of chemical fertilizers and a leading producer of rice, faces challenges associated with low fertilizer efficiency and fewer utilization options of rice husks. The development of rice husk biochar‐based fertilizers (RHBF) offers a strategic solution to address these issues. In this study, diverse biochar fertilizer production techniques were used to develop four types of fertilizers: blended RHBF, soaked RHBF, high‐pressure soaked RHBF, and pure rice husk biochar coated fertilizer. The nutrients slow‐releasing performance of these four RHBF were compared by hydrostatic and soil column intermittent leaching methods. Effects of their application on rice growth, yield, and cadmium reduction potential were analyzed and compared by the pot trial. Results demonstrated that nutrients of the four RHBF were generally released slower in the soil compared with the conventional compound fertilizer (CK). The slow nutrient release effect was more pronounced under high‐pressure soaked RHBF. Notably, in the soil column leaching experiment, the cumulative leaching rates of nitrogen and K2O for RHBF3 (12.0% and 13.9%) were greatly lower than those of CK (42.3% and 51.3%). Moreover, the application of RHBF induced a marked enhancement in the nutrient use efficiency, grain yield, harvest index, and photosynthetic characteristics compared to CK. The average agronomic efficiency of P2O5 for the four RHBF increased by 102.8% compared with CK, while the average grain yield of the four RHBF increased by 20.6%. In addition, RHBF showed a significant reduction in Cd mobilization by an average of 80.1% compared to CK. This study offers a promising model for enhancing the comprehensive performance of RHBF and optimizing traditional fertilizer application practices.
Marginal lands, such as those with saline soils, have potential as alternative resources for cultivating dedicated biomass crops used in the production of renewable energy and chemicals. Optimum utilization of marginal lands can not only alleviate the competition for arable land use with primary food crops, but also contribute to bioenergy products and soil improvement. Miscanthus sacchariflorus and M. lutarioriparius are prominent perennial plants suitable for sustainable bioenergy production in saline soils. However, their responses to salt stress remain largely unexplored. In this study, we utilized 318 genotypes of M. sacchariflorus and M. lutarioriparius to assess their salt tolerance levels under 150 mM NaCl using 14 traits, and subsequently established a mini-core elite collection for salt tolerance. Our results revealed substantial variation in salt tolerance among the evaluated genotypes. Salt-tolerant genotypes exhibited significantly lower Na+ content, and K+ content was positively correlated with Na+ content. Interestingly, a few genotypes with higher Na+ levels in shoots showed improved shoot growth characteristics. This observation suggests that M. sacchariflorus and M. lutarioriparius adapt to salt stress by regulating ion homeostasis, primarily through enhanced K+ uptake, shoot Na+ exclusion, and Na+ sequestration in shoot vacuoles. To evaluate salt tolerance comprehensively, we developed an assessment value (D value) based on the membership function values of the 14 traits. We identified three highly salt-tolerant, 50 salt-tolerant, 127 moderately salt-tolerant, 117 salt-sensitive, and 21 highly salt-sensitive genotypes at the seedling stage by employing the D value. A mathematical evaluation model for salt tolerance was established for M. sacchariflorus and M. lutarioriparius at the seedling stage. Notably, the mini-core collection containing 64 genotypes developed using the Core Hunter algorithm effectively represented the overall variability of the entire collection. This mini-core collection serves as a valuable gene pool for future in-depth investigations of salt tolerance mechanisms in Miscanthus.
[Xue, S ] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Biosci & Biotechnol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.
Perennial energy crops;Root traits;Soil organic carbon;Microbial necromass;C 4-derived carbon
The sustainability of bioenergy cropping systems hinges on the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC). Switchgrass and Miscanthus, as the two leading perennial energy crops, have been extensively cultivated on marginal land for bioenergy production. However, the effects of their cultivation on SOC sequestration and its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Herein, we quantified the contributions of plant– and microbial–derived C to SOC accumulation by tracing 13C natural abundance and amino sugars on switchgrass- and Miscanthus-planted lands (i.e. belongs to poor acidic red soil) experienced 10 years of C3–C4 vegetation conversion. The results showed Miscanthus cultivation induced an approximately 6.3 times greater improvement in SOC compared to switchgrass. However, the organic C stability in Miscanthus-planted soil was comparatively lower than that of switchgrass. This was consistent with our global meta-analysis, whereby Miscanthus and switchgrass cultivation were observed to increase SOC by 16.0% and 7.1%, respectively. Miscanthus–cultivated soil was more replenished by plant–derived C stored in particulate organic C, owing to the greater biomass and lower root quality (reflected by the high ratio of lignin to nitrogen). In contrast, switchgrass–cultivated soil was enriched with more microbial–derived C, as its greater root quality induced a more efficient C utilization by the microbes. This was preferentially associated with the soil minerals. In conclusion, perennial energy crops cultivation on marginal land substantially enhances SOC sequestration, whereas the stability of SOC is dependent on the root traits.
humic and fulvic acids;lignocellulosic crop;metal(loid) accumulation;mycorrhizae;phytoextraction;protein hydrolysates
Using contaminated land to grow lignocellulosic crops can deliver biomass and, in the long term, improve soil quality. Biostimulants and microorganisms are nowadays an innovative approach to define appropriate phytomanagement strategies to promote plant growth and metal uptake. This study evaluated biostimulants and mycorrhizae application on biomass production and phytoextraction potential of four lignocellulosic crops grown under two metal-contaminated soils. Two greenhouse pot trials were setup to evaluate two annual species (sorghum, hemp) in Italy and two perennial ones (miscanthus, switchgrass) in China, under mycorrhizae (M), root (B2) and foliar (B1) biostimulants treatments, based on humic substances and protein hydrolysates, respectively, applied both alone and in combination (MB1, MB2). MB2 increased the shoot dry weight (DW) yield in hemp (1.9 times more), sorghum (3.6 times more) and miscanthus (tripled) with additional positive effects on sorghum and miscanthus Zn and Cd accumulation, respectively, but no effects on hemp metal accumulation. No treatment promoted switchgrass shoot DW, but M enhanced Cd and Cr shoot concentrations (+84%, 1.6 times more, respectively) and the phytoextraction efficiency. Root biostimulants and mycorrhizae were demonstrated to be more efficient inputs than foliar biostimulants to enhance plant development and productivity in order to design effective phytomanagement strategies in metal-contaminated soil.
[Tongcheng Fu] C;College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Engineering Laboratory of Miscanthus Ecological Applications, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>National Energy R&D Center for Non-Food Biomass, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China
marginal land;soil aggregate;soil carbon sequestration;soil ecology;soil iron and aluminum oxide;soil microbe
Long‐term cultivation of Miscanthus and Saccharum arundinaceum increased soil organic carbon stock in infertile red soils. Soil pH is the main factor affecting soil carbon stock in red soils. Soil copiotrophic and oligotrophic microbes significantly shaped by the cultivation of perennial grasses. Abstract Determining the effect of perennial energy crop (PEC) cultivation on soil organic carbon (SOC) in marginal land soil is vital for carbon neutrality and bioeconomy development. However, a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the response of SOC content to different PECs and its underlying drivers is still lacking. We used soil data collected from infertile red topsoil (0–20 cm) after 10 years of cultivation with Miscanthus (MS), Panicum virgatum (SG), and Saccharum arundinaceum (SA) to explore the changes in SOC stock induced by PEC. The roles of physical, chemical, and microbiological factors driving the increase in the SOC stock were investigated. Results revealed that SA and MS enhanced SOC stock by 87.97% and 27.52% relative to the uncultivated control. Conversely, PEC increased the percentage of soil mega‐aggregates, geometric mean diameters, soil chelate iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) oxides, and reduced soil acidity for the infertile red soils. In addition, fungal richness and diversity for PEC soils were enhanced compared to the unplanted soil. It is possible that PEC cultivation reduced the relative abundance of copiotrophic fungi but increased the relative abundance of oligotrophic fungi. Furthermore, variance partitioning analysis revealed that chemical and microbiological factors accounted for 80.54% of the total variation for the SOC stock. The partial least squares path model showed that PEC cultivation enhanced soil carbon (C) stock via soil deacidification and increased soil bacterial function. In conclusion, this study confirms the SOC sequestration potential of PEC cultivation in marginal land and the underlying mechanism driving SOC stock. The main positive factors controlling soil C sequestration included “pH,” while the negative factors were “bacterial community,” “fungal community,” and “bacterial function.” Our research may help encourage and support decision‐makers of wasted marginal land conversion to PEC cultivation.
Miscanthus lutarioriparius grown in Dongting Lake has an annual biomass yield potential of 1 million tons. However, with the shutdown of its previous utilization for paper-making, abandoning this huge amount of biomass has caused serious economic, ecological, and social problems. Constructing an industrial cluster to continuously convert biomass into various bioproducts is a win-win measure to address this dilemma. With the increasing confirmation of the importance of biomass quality affecting the conservation process, fully understanding the biomass characteristics of Dongting Lake-grown M. lutarioriparius is crucial for building a scientific industrial cluster. The present work is designed to explore the variation in biomass quality across the entire Dongting Lake area. Results show that the biomass contented with Cd, Mn, Zn, and Cr has significant geographical differences, with a general trend of Southern Dongting Lake-grown biomass having a higher concentration than that from Eastern and Western Dongting Lake areas. Moreover, significant differences are found in terms of biomass ash content, lignin content, and the degree of polymerization of cellulose (DP). The biomass with low ash content is generally from the entire Eastern Dongting Lake area and the northern part of the Western Dongting Lake area. Virtually all Western Dongting Lake-grown biomass has a low lignin content (approximately 18%). Regarding the spatial variation of DP, Eastern Dongting Lake-grown biomass has a higher DP (average at 585.33) than that in Southern (575.15) and then Western Dongting Lake (529.16). Based on these quality indicators, the biomass production potentials for bioethanol, biochar, and xylo-oligosaccharide were calculated and visualized. Results show that biomass from almost the entire Western and Eastern Dongting Lake area is suitable for bioethanol and xylo-oligosaccharide production, while biomass from the Southern Dongting Lake area for biochar production. These results provide scientific guidance for the future utilization of Dongting Lake-grown M. lutarioriparius biomass.
To understand the effects of different marginal land and environments on the growth, biomass yield, quality, and theoretical ethanol yield of different bioenergy grasses, and to compare the adaptability of different bioenergy grasses. This study was conducted in four representative marginal lands located in Chongqing, Liuyang, Nanyang, and Beijing. The agronomic traits, cell wall compositions, and theoretical alcohol yield of nine energy grasses containing 22 accessions were compared. The effects of environmental factors on biomass yield, quality, and theoretical ethanol yield of different accessions were evaluated via parametric and non-parametric statistics and AMMI analysis, and the stability and adaptability of all accessions were also compared. The results revealed that there were significant differences in biomass yield, quality, and theoretical alcohol yield among different species at the same trial site, and the same species also showed large differences between trial sites. Grasses exhibited divergent adaptability across trial sites, such as Saccharum arundinaceum and Miscanthus floridulus were sensitive to low temperatures and could not overwinter normally in Beijing. The biomass yield of Miscanthus sacchariflorus declined as the latitude decreased. Miscanthus x giganteus, Miscanthus lutarioriparius x sinensis, and Panicum virgatum exhibited greater resistance to environmental changes, indicating superior stability and environmental adaptability.
[Shuai Xue] H;Hunan Branch, National Energy R & D Center for Non-Food Biomass, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Innovation and Utilization, College of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China<&wdkj&>Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Miscanthus lutarioriparius has a growing area of 100,000 ha and an annual biomass production of 1 Mt around Dongting Lake. However, due to serious soil pollution, there is a concern that the M. lutarioriparius biomass could have high heavy metal (HM) concentrations. This necessitates investigation of biomass quality to find the appropriate end use. Thus, this study aims to investigate the dynamics of HM elements in the M. lutarioriparius biomass and their impact on biomass quality across different growing areas and harvest times. We analyzed the HM concentrations in soil and biomass from 11 sites under different harvesting times (April, August and December). Results showed that Cd in soil samples was 9.43-fold higher than the national standards. The heavily polluted soil caused a high HM concentration in the biomass and the accumulation increased with the delayed harvest. The fresh young shoots in April met the food limitation for Cd and Cr, whereas Pb concentration was slightly higher than the threshold limit. The mature biomass from the southern part had higher Mn, Cd and Pb, but lower Cu, Zn and Cr concentrations than that from the eastern part. These results can provide guidance for guaranteeing the consistent quality of the M. lutarioriparius biomass for bio-based industry.
[Shuai Xue; Shuai Xue Shuai Xue Shuai Xue] C;College of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China<&wdkj&>Hunan Engineering Laboratory of Miscanthus Ecological Applications, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China<&wdkj&>Hunan Branch, National Energy R & D Center for Non-food Biomass, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China
C4 energy crop;enzyme stoichiometry;marginal land;perennial grass;phytoremediation;soil organic carbon stock
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Perennial energy crops (PECs) such as <jats:italic>Miscanthus</jats:italic> spp. and switchgrass (<jats:italic>Panicum virgatum</jats:italic> L.) may have particular influence on microbial communities and their functions in soil organic carbon (C) utilization and mineralization (C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub>). In this study, long‐term effects of PECs on C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> and soil hydrolase activities were examined in bulk and rhizosphere soils of <jats:italic>Miscanthus</jats:italic> and switchgrass grown on a red soil in South China. Long‐term cultivation (10 years) of PECs led to increases in soil organic C (SOC) and the absolute C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> of bulk and rhizosphere soils. Total C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> was correlated with dissolved organic C and dissolved organic nitrogen (N) in red soils. The specific C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> in bulk soils of switchgrass and <jats:italic>Miscanthus</jats:italic> were decreased by 11.73% and 20.67% comparing with the control group, respectively. Cultivation of PECs led to a relatively high C/N ratio. There was a difference in priming effect on activities of β‐glucosidase (BG), leucine amin peptidase, N‐acetyl‐β‐glucosaminidase (NAG), and phosphatase between rhizosphere and bulk soils. Compared with the control without PECs, BG activity did not change significantly in bulk soils of PECs, whereas NAG activity decreased significantly. Soil microorganisms were generally limited by soil C and phosphorus (P) in the red soil. The C and P limitations were significantly linearly related with relative C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> (<jats:italic>p</jats:italic> < 0.05). Phosphorus limitations in microbial communities were lower with PECs than in the control, indicating that cultivation of PECs could provide an optimal nutrient environment for both plants and microorganisms. Thus, long‐term cultivation of PECs increased SOC content but decreased specific C<jats:sub>m</jats:sub> rates. However, because C and P limitations remain for plants and soil microbial communities, optimum fertilization is also necessary for sustainable growth of PECs on red soils.</jats:p>
[Shuai Xue] C;College of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China<&wdkj&>Hunan Engineering Laboratory of Miscanthus Ecological Applications, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China<&wdkj&>Hunan Branch, National Energy R & D Center for Non-food Biomass, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China
Biobased industry;Biogeography;Biomass;Genetic diversity distribution;Miscanthus lutarioriparius;Species distribution
Miscanthus lutarioriparius is an endemic species in China and has been widely accepted as a promising eco-bioindustrial plant. Currently, predominantly used germplasms have narrow genetic diversity, which causes a gene resource utilization plateau. Therefore, this study was designed to map the geographic and genetic distribution of M. lutarioriparius. Grid search tuning technique was applied to combine occurrence sites, which was followed by the genetic diversity analysis using the Simple Sequence Repeat markers. The results have revealed that the natural distribution of M. lutarioriparius is in the area with altitude less than 300 m and enclosed by the eastern line of East China Sea, western boundary along the longitude line of 111 degrees E, northern boundary of the Qinling-Huai River line, and the southern line of the 27-28 degrees N in Hunan and Jiangxi, and the 30 degrees N line in Zhejiang. The further analysis has demonstrated that the northern line is mainly determined by the climatic factors, whereas the other three boundaries by the dispersal barriers of the sea and high mountains. The genetic diversity of M. lutarioriparius across its distribution range is high with a total Nei's genetic diversity of 0.2462. Populations from the downstream of the Yangtze River generally have a higher genetic diversity than the relative upstream areas. The centeres of genetic diversity for the M. lutarioriparius across China are located in the central and the southern Jiangsu. Outcomes of this study will help expanding the M. lutarioriparius cultivation through improving breeding and subsequently accelerate the development of biobased industry.