The overuse of herbicide may cause pollution in water and soil environment, affecting the growth of crops. And how to reduce herbicide residues has aroused extensive attention. In this work, a novel modified biochar (Zn/SNBC) was prepared with reed straw as raw material, ZnCl2 and thiourea as modifiers to remove quinclorac (QC) residues in water and soil. Compared with primitive biochar, Zn/SN-BC, benefiting from higher specific surface area (766.5 m2 & sdot;g- 1), improved pore characteristics and abundant reactive sites (-C = O, -COOR, -C-N, -C-S, ZnS, etc), showed excellent adsorption capacity towards QC (235.9 mg & sdot;g- 1), which was much higher than others reported before. According to the characterization results, it was revealed that Zn/SN-BC adsorbed QC through pore filling, hydrogen bonding, pi-pi conjunction, electrostatic attractions and other chemical interactions. The column leaching and pot experiments demonstrated that Zn/SN-BC could reduce QC leaching and bioavailability in soil, and effectively alleviate its phytotoxicity on tobacco plants. This study gives a new insight into the application of biochar-based materials for the treatment of herbicide residues in agricultural environments.
genetics-based pesticide;microRNA;star polycation;two-sex life table;growth and development;interference agent
Simple Summary: This study investigates the effectiveness of a novel genetics-based biopesticide, miR-184 agomir, against the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, a major wheat pest. miR-184 agomir interference significantly reduced aphid survival rates, particularly during their early developmental stages. Life table analysis demonstrated that the application of miR-184 agomir resulted in adverse effects on multiple vital parameters essential for the expansion of the aphid population. Population projection models predicted a substantial decline in the aphid population size at 60 days post-treatment. These findings underscore the potential of genetics-based biopesticides in the effective management of grain aphid populations, thereby contributing to wheat crop protection and environmental sustainability. The investigation of genetics-based biopesticides has become a central focus in pesticide studies due to their inherent advantages, including species specificity, environmental safety, and a wide range of target genes. In this study, a mixture of miR-184 agomir and nanomaterial star polycation (SPc) was used to treat the nymphs of the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.). The life parameters of the aphids at various developmental stages were analyzed using an age-stage two-sex life table to assess the effect of miR-184 agomir on the experimental population. The results indicated that miR-184 agomir had a significant negative effect on four key life parameters, including the intrinsic rate of increase, the finite rate of increase, the net rate of increase, and the mean generation time. The population prediction revealed a substantial reduction (91.81% and 95.88%) in the population size of S. avenae at 60 d after treatment with miR-184 agomir, compared to the control groups. Our findings suggest that the miR-184 agomir has the potential to reduce the survival rate and mean longevity of S. avenae, highlighting its potential as a promising candidate for the development of an effective genetics-based biopesticide.
In recent years, carbon-based materials catalyzing peroxymonosulfate (PMS) for green degradation of persistent or-ganic pollutants have attracted increasing attention. However, PMS activation by hydrochar composite (e.g. hydrochar-montomorillonite) has rarely been investigated. Herein, a simple preparation, low-cost and eco-friendly catalyst of hydrochar-montmorillonite composite (HC-Mt) was prepared to firstly catalyze PMS for the degradation of dicamba (DIC). The as-prepared HC-Mt showed a remarkably better catalyzing performance for PMS than pure hydrochar (HC) due to its good physicochemical characteristics and abundant oxygen-containing groups. Further-more, the electron spin resonance (ESR) and quenching tests revealed that active species such as SO4 center dot-, center dot OH and O2 center dot- all participated in the degradation process. DIC sites on C6, Cl 10, and O15 exhibited higher reactivity according to the density functional theory (DFT) calculation, which were easily attacked by active species. The DIC degradation mainly occurred via hydroxyl substitution, decarboxylation, oxidation and ring-cleavage and finally most of the inter-mediates were mineralized into CO2 and H2O. Finally, the phytotoxicity assessment was measured by the germination growth situation of tobacco and mung beans in the presence of DIC (with or without treatment by HC-Mt/PMS). The result showed that HC-Mt/PMS could significantly reduce the phytotoxicity of DIC to crops, suggesting that catalyzing PMS using HC-Mt was environmentally friendly. Therefore, this work did not only provide a novel catalyzing PMS strategy using hydrochar composite for wastewater treatment, but also give a new idea for herbicide phytotoxicity management.
Herbicide resistance;resistance management;resistance mechanism;weed control
Since its initial introduction in the late 1950s, chemical control has dominated weed management practices in China. Not surprisingly, the development of herbicide resistance has become the biggest threat to long-term, sustainable weed management in China. Given that China has followed the same laissez-faire approach toward resistance management that has been practiced in developed countries such as the United States, herbicide resistance has evolved rapidly and increased steadily over the years. Previously, we carried out a systematic review to quantitatively assess herbicide-resistance issues in China. In this review, our main objective is to focus on mechanistic studies and management practices to document the (1) history of herbicide application in China; (2) resistance mechanisms governing the eight most resistance-prone herbicide groups, including acetolactate synthase inhibitors, acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitors, synthetic auxin herbicides, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase inhibitors, protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitors, photosystem I electron diverters, photosystem II inhibitors, and long-chain fatty-acid inhibitors; and (3) herbicide-resistance management strategies commonly used in China, including chemical, cultural, biological, physical, and integrated approaches. At the end, perspectives and future research are discussed to address the pressing need for the development of integrated herbicide-resistance management in China.
The existing form of ionizable organic contaminants (IOCs) could affect their adsorption characteristics to soil and biochar. In this study, 2 IOCs, namely, sulfadiazine and imazalil, were selected to study their adsorption by rice straw-derived biochar-amended soils, as well as the effect of pH and gallic acid on their adsorption. The results showed that the soil adsorption isotherms of the two ionizable organic contaminants could be fitted well by a linear equation and the Freundlich equation, and r(2) was more than 0.80. The adsorption coefficient (Kd) in the three kinds of soil ranged from 0.262 to 4.07Lkg(-1) for sulfadiazine and from 3.11 to 96.5Lkg(-1) for imazalil. After the addition of biochar, the adsorption of sulfadiazine and imazalil in the soil increased. The adsorption of sulfadiazine by biochar gradually decreased with the increase in pH; the adsorption of imazalil increased when the pH increased from 2 to 5 and then gradually decreased with increasing pH. Gallic acid enhanced the adsorption of the two IOCs to pure soil and biochar-amended soil.
Dimethoate, a systemic insecticide, has been used extensively in vegetable production. Insecticide residues in treated vegetables, however, pose a potential risk to consumers. Photocatalytic degradation is a new alternative to managing pesticide residues. In this study, the degradation of dimethoate in Bok choy was investigated under the field conditions using cerium-doped nano titanium dioxide (TiO2/Ce) hydrosol as a photocatalyst. The results show that TiO2/Ce hydrosol can accelerate the degradation of dimethoate in Bok choy. Specifically, the application of TiO2/Ce hydrosol significantly increased the reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents in the treated Bok choy, which speeds up the degradation of dimethoate. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) analysis detected three major degradation products, including omethoate, O,O,S-trimethyl thiophosphorothioate, and 1,2-Bis (acetyl-N-methyl-) methane disulfide. Two potential photodegradation pathways have been proposed based on the intermediate products. To understand the relationship between photodegradation and the molecular structure of target insecticides, we investigated the bond length, Mulliken atomic charge and frontier electron density of dimethoate using ab initio quantum analysis. These results suggest the P = S, P-S and S-C of dimethoate are the initiation sites for the photocatalytic reaction in Bok choy, which is consistent with our empirical data.
[徐世积; 何影; 李思齐] College of Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, 417000, China;[刘开林; 刘祥英; 周小毛; 柏连阳] College of Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, 410128, China<&wdkj&>Collaborative Innovation Center of Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, 417000, China
College of Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China
Burning straw in the field is a common agricultural practice. The effects of adding biochar derived from rice straw to soils on the phytotoxicity of sulfentrazone to Oryza sativa L. were observed. Overall, when 1 % biochar was added to three different soils, the phytotoxicity of sulfentrazone to O. sativa L. decreased, and the concentration that inhibits growth by 50 % (IC50) increased by 1.4 to 7.6 times. To illuminate the influencing mechanisms, the changes in sulfentrazone adsorption to the soil, the soil pH, and the bioavailable sulfentrazone extracted from the soil solution using hollow fiber-based liquid-phase microextraction were studied. The Freundlich constant (K
) of sulfentrazone to the soil increased 1.5 to 25 times relative to the K
in the three unamended soils, and the soil pH increased by 0.36 to 1.36 units resulted in a fraction of dissociated sulfentrazone increased by 10.2–17.4 %. In addition, the average concentrations of sulfentrazone in the three unamended soil solutions were 1.3–6.1 times relative to those in the three biochar-amended soil solutions. These results suggest that the sulfentrazone adsorption and soil pH increased when soils were amended with biochar, which decreased the bioavailable concentrations and reduced its phytotoxicity to O. sativa L.
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The toxicity of ionizable organic compounds to organisms depends on the pH, which therefore affects risk assessments of these compounds. However, there is not a direct chemical method to predict the toxicity of ionizable organic compounds. To determine whether hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) is applicable for this purpose, a three-phase HF-LPME was used to measure sulfadiazine and estimate its toxicity to <jats:italic>Daphnia magna</jats:italic> in solutions of different pH. The result indicated that the sulfadiazine concentrations measured by HF-LPME decreased with increasing pH, which is consistent with the decreased toxicity. The concentration immobilize 50% of the daphnids (EC50) in 48 h calculated from nominal concentrations increased from 11.93 to 273.5 mg L<jats:sup>−1</jats:sup> as the pH increased from 6.0 to 8.5, and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the EC50 values reached 104.6%. When calculated from the concentrations measured by HF-LPME (pH 12 acceptor phase), the EC50 ranged from 223.4 to 394.6 mg L<jats:sup>−1</jats:sup>, and the CV decreased to 27.60%, suggesting that the concentrations measured by HF-LPME can be used to estimate the toxicity of sulfadiazine irrespective of the solution pH.</jats:p>
Asia minor bluegrass (AmB) is a major weed impacting rapeseed production in Dongting Lake District, China. Growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the influence of environmental factors on germination and emergence of AmB. The optimum constant temperature for germination was around 20 C. Seeds showed germination percentages above 60% under 22/15 and 24/19 C day/night temperature regimes. Seeds could germinate in the dark, but light exposure significantly enhanced the germination percentage. More than 50% of seeds germinated over a pH range between 4 and 10. Seeds were highly sensitive to osmotic stress, and germination was completely inhibited at an osmotic potential of -0.4 MPa, indicating that it was favored by a moist environment. Increasing salinity reduced germination of AmB seeds from 58% at 0 mM to 13% at 80 mM NaCl. The highest seedling emergence (62%) was observed when seeds were placed on the soil surface, and no seedlings emerged from seeds placed at a depth of 5 cm. This work shows that the climate and soil conditions in Dongting Lake District are suitable for AmB seed germination and that no-till fields, where seeds remain on the soil surface, promote the successful establishment of the weed.