[李闯; 黄璇; 邓萍; 蒋桂韬; 张旭; 戴求仲] Animal Nutrition and Feeding Technology Laboratory, Hunan Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Changsha, 410131, China;[王洲] Hunan Engineering Research Center of Poultry Production Safety, College of Animal Science and Technology, Hunan Agriculture University, Changsha, 410128, China;[吴淑军; 陈娟] Changsha Xingjia Bioengineering Co., Ltd., Changsha, 410300, China
[Dai, Q.] A;Animal Nutrition and Feeding Technology Laboratory, China
[Li, Chuang; Jiang, Guitao; Zhang, Xu; Dai, Qiuzhong; Liu, Yang; Huang, Xuan] Hunan Inst Anim & Vet Sci, Changsha 410131, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Yang; Huang, Xingguo] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Anim Sci & Technol, Changsha 410128, Peoples R China.;[Lin, Qian] Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Bast Fiber Crops, Changsha 410205, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Shengli] Shandong Lonct Enzymes Co Ltd, Linyi 276000, Shandong, Peoples R China.
duck;lipopolysaccharide;intestinal condition
The present study investigated the dosage and replication effects of lipopolysaccharide challenges on the serum oxidative and immune status, and the intestinal morphology and permeability of Linwu ducks at the growing stage. A total of 500 54-day-old Linwu ducks were randomly assigned into 10 treatments, which included a factorial arrangement of 2 levels of LPS challenge replications (1 and 2 times) x 5 levels of lipopolysaccharide challenging dosages (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 mg/kg). Each treatment consisted of 5 cages and 10 ducks per cage. The results showed significant replication effects of LPS on the body weight gain of ducks, that 2 replicates of LPS challenges significantly decreased the body weight gain than one challenge (P = 0.036). Regarding to the serum oxidative and immune status, dosage effects of lipopolysaccharide were found on the serum levels of superoxide dismutase (P = 0.034) and immunoglobulin A (P = 0.007), that 0.4 mg/kg lipopolysaccharides significantly increased the levels of these 2 parameters. Additionally, replication effects were found in the serum levels of interlukin 1 beta, that 2 replicates of LPS challenges significantly increased the interlukin 1b levels comparing to one challenge (P = 0.010). Regarding to the intestinal conditions, dosage effects of lipopolysaccharides were found on the ratio of villus height and crypt depth (P = 0.005) in duodenum, and the wall thickness of duodenum (P = 0.010) and jejunum (P = 0.001), that lipopolysaccharides at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.8 mg/kg significantly deteriorated the intestinal morphologies, especially in the duodenum and jejunum. Moreover, the dosage effects of lipopolysaccharides and the interactions of dosages and replications significantly influenced the permeabilities of the intestinal segments (P < 0.05). It appeared that 2 replicates of lipopolysaccharides at the dosage at 0.4 mg/kg could trigger oxidative and immunological stress, and damage the intestinal morphology and permeability of Linwu ducks at the growing stage.
[Jiang, Guitao; Dai, Qiuzhong; Liu, Yang] Hunan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Changsha, China;[Liu, Yang] College of Animal Science and Technology, Hunan Agriculture University, Changsha, China;[Liu, Shengli] Shandong Lonct Enzymes Co., Ltd., Linyi, China
<jats:p>The present study aimed to explore the optimal zymogram of combination of 6 carbohydrases (glucoamylase, pullulanase, maltase, thermostable α-amylase, medium temperature α-amylase, and cold-active α-amylase) supplemented in corn-soybean based diet of broilers aged 1 to 3 wk for the maximum starch digestibility, by using <jats:italic>in vitro</jats:italic> simulated gastrointestinal digestion and response surface method. The third generation of simulated monogastric animal digestion system was used for <jats:italic>in vitro</jats:italic> digestion experiment. By using single factor completely random design, the optimal supplement levels of single carbohydras were determined by the reducing sugar release amount and improved dry matter digestibility, which were the parameters representing the starch digestibility of the diet. Additionally, Box-Behnken response surface method was used to predict the optimal combination of 6 carbohydrases. The results showed that the optimistic zymogram of 6 carbohydrases in corn-soybean based diet for broilers aged 1 to 3 wk were 297.39 U/g glucoamylase, 549.72 U/g pullulanase, 3.01 U/g maltase, 1,455.73 U/g thermostable α-amylase, 278.64 U/g medium temperature α-amylase, and 1,985.97 U/g cold-active α-amylase, and the associated reduced sugar release amount and improved dry matter digestibility were 215.98 mg/g, and 6.23%, respectively. Furthermore, we conducted <jats:italic>in vitro</jats:italic> digestion experiments with diets supplemented with the predicted optimistic zymogram and found that the experimental reduced sugar release amount and improved dry matter digestibility were 219.26 mg/g and 6.31% respectively, whose errors to the predicted optimistic reducing sugar release amount and the improved dry matter digestibility were 1.05% and 1.02%. To sum up, the predicted optimal zymogram of 6 carbohydrases in the present study were capable to improve the starch digestibility in diet for broilers aged 1 to 3 wk, which were represented by increased reduced sugar release amount and improved dry matter digestibility.</jats:p>
Frontiers in Microbiology,2021年12:698213 ISSN:1664-302X
Dai, Q.;Huang, X.
[Liu, Yang; Huang, Xingguo] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Anim Sci & Technol, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Li, Chuang; Jiang, Guitao; Zhang, Xu; Dai, Qiuzhong; Liu, Yang; Huang, Xuan] Hunan Inst Anim & Vet Sci, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Lin, Qian] Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Bast Fiber Crops, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Shengli] Shandong Lonct Enzymes Co Ltd, Linyi, Shandong, Peoples R China.;[He, Lingyun] Anim Husb & Fisheries Affairs Ctr, Huaihua, Peoples R China.
[Huang, X.] C;[Dai, Q.] H;Hunan Institute of Animal and Veterinary ScienceChina;College of Animal Science and Technology, China
Gut Microbiota;Ferulic acid (FA);Growth performance (GP);Serum cytokine;Intestinal morphology;Duck
The present study investigated the effects of ferulic acid (FA) on the growth performance, serum cytokine profile, intestinal morphology, and intestinal microbiota in ducks at the growing stage. 300 female Linwu ducks at 28 days of age with similar body weights were randomly divided into five groups. Each group contained six replicates of 10 birds. The dietary treatments were corn-soybean-based diet supplemented with FA at the concentrations of 0 (control), 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg diet. The results demonstrated that dietary FA at the levels of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg increased the average daily gain (P = 0.01), 400 and 800 mg/kg FA increased the final body weight (P = 0.02), 100, 200, and 800 mg/kg FA increased the serum glutathione (P = 0.01), and 100, 400, and 800 mg/kg FA increased the glutathione peroxidase activities in birds (P < 0.01). Additionally, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg dietary FA lowered the serum levels of interleukin-2 (P = 0.02) and interleukin-6 (P = 0.04). Moreover, the morphometric study of the intestines indicated that 400 mg/kg FA decreased the crypt depth in jejunum (P = 0.01) and caecum (P = 0.04), and increased the ratio of villus height to crypt depth in jejunum (P = 0.02). Significant linear and/or quadratic relationships were found between FA concentration and the measured parameters. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that dietary FA increased the populations of genera Faecalibacterium, Paludicola, RF39, and Faecalicoccus in the cecum (P < 0.05), whereas decreased the populations of Anaerofilum and UCG-002 (P < 0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis indicated that phylum Proteobacteria were negatively, but order Oscillospirales, and family Ruminococcaceae were positively related to the parameters of the growth performance. Phylum Bacteroidetes, class Negativicutes and family Rikenellaceae were negatively associated with the parameters of the antioxidative capability. And phylum Cyanobacteria, Elusimicrobia, and Bacteroidetes, class Bacilli, family Rikenellaceae, and genus Prevotella were positively associated with the parameters of the immunological capability. Thus, it was concluded that the supplementations of 400 mg/kg FA in diet was able to improve the growth performance, antioxidative and immunological capabilities, intestinal morphology, and modulated the gut microbial construction of Linwu ducks at the growing stage.
Magnolol;antioxidant status;biochemical characteristics;carcass and meat quality;duck
Magnolol rich in Magnolia officinalis is a bioactive polyphenolic compound. The aim of this study was to clarify the effects of magnolol additive (MA) on carcass and meat quality, biochemical characteristics and antioxidative capacity of Linwu ducks, by comparing it to that of antibiotic additive (colistin sulphate, CS). A total of 275 49-d-old ducks were randomly assigned to 5 groups with 5 cages of 11 ducks each and fed by the diets supplemented with 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg of MA/kg and 30 mg of CS/kg for 3 weeks, respectively. The results revealed that MA administration not only increased dressed percentage (calculated as a percentage of live weight), percentage of breast muscle, leg muscle and lean meat (calculated as a percentage of eviscerated weight), but also remarkably increased a*45 min and pH45 min of leg muscle. Moreover, MA administration decreased the percentage of abdominal fat (calculated as a percentage of eviscerated weight), 45-min cooking loss, water loss rate of leg muscle, 45-min cooking loss and drip loss of breast muscle at 24 hr and 48 hr. Furthermore, MA administration enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in serum or liver, serum total antioxidant capacity and hepatic reduced glutathione concentration significantly, compared with the basal diet or CS group (p < .05). On the other hand, triglyceride, total cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, malondialdehyde, protein carbonyl and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine contents in serum and liver were significantly increased in Linwu ducks fed with CS, compared with MA groups (p < .05). Taken together, these data demonstrated that magnolol could effectively improve the carcass and meat quality of Linwu ducks by regulating the in vivo antioxidant status and would be a potential candidate to replace antibiotic.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary grape seed polyphenols (GSP) supplementation during the late gestation and lactation period on reproductive performance, antioxidative status in serum, nutrient composition, and Ig content in colostrum of multiparous sows. On day 80 of gestation, a total of 64 sows with similar body condition were allocated to a completely randomized block design with 4 dietary treatments (n = 16 sows per treatment): 1) basal diet (CON, control group); 2) basal diet supplemented with 200 IU/kg vitamin E (200VE, positive control group); 3) basal diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg GSP (200GSP); and 4) basal diet supplemented with 300 mg/kg GSP (300GSP). The trial lasted 56 d until the piglets were weaned on day 21 of lactation. Reproductive performance, parameters of antioxidative status, and levels of progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) in serum, nutrient composition, and Ig content in colostrum of sows were determined. The number of dead fetuses was reduced, and farrowing survival was significantly improved in the litters from 300GSP-fed (P < 0.05). Preweaning survivability significantly increased in the litters from sows fed 200GSP and 200VE (P < 0.05). The activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in the serum was significantly increased in sows fed 200GSP and 300GSP (P < 0.05). The activity of GSH-Px in the serum also significantly increased in sows fed 200VE (P < 0.05). Sows fed 300GSP had the greatest levels of P4 and E2 in the serum, which was significantly greater than sows fed 200VE and CON (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found among treatments for the content of solids-not-fat, fat, protein, and lactose in colostrum (P > 0.05). However, sows fed GSP had greater IgM and IgG content in colostrum compared with sows fed 200VE and CON (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary GSP supplementation during late gestation and lactation improved the farrowing survival and preweaning survivability, enhanced the antioxidant status and hormone levels in serum, and increased the IgM and IgG content in colostrum of sows.
[He, X; Hou, DX] H;[Hou, De-Xing] K;Hunan Agr Univ, Hunan Coinnovat Ctr Anim Prod Safety, Core Res Program 1515, Coll Anim Sci & Technol, Changsha 410128, Hunan, Peoples R China.;Kagoshima Univ, Fac Agr, United Grad Sch Agr Sci, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan.
Magnolol;Linwu duck;Growth performance;Antioxidant-related gene expression;Intestinal mucosal status
Magnolol rich in Magnolia officinalis is a bioactive polyphenolic compound. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of magnolol additive (MA) on growth performance, expression levels of antioxidant-related genes, and intestinal mucosal morphology of Linwu ducks aged from 49 to 70 days, comparing with that of an antibiotic additive (colistin sulfate [CS]). A total of 275, 49-day-old ducks were assigned to 5 groups with 5 cages of 11 ducks each and fed diets supplemented with 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg of MA/kg and 300 mg of CS/kg for 3 weeks, respectively. The results showed that the average daily body weight gain (ADG) was increased significantly in MA-fed groups (200 and 300 mg/kg), compared with the basal diet (BD) group (P < 0.05). The mRNA levels of superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1), manganese superoxide dismutase-2 (MnSOD2) and catalase (CAT) were also increased significantly in MA groups (P < 0.05). In addition, hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed that Linwu ducks fed the diets with MA had more intact intestinal mucosa than those fed the BD and CS diets. In addition, ileal villus height, ileal villus height/crypt depth ratio (V/C) and duodenal V/C were also improved significantly (P < 0.05). Taken together, these data demonstrated that MA is an effective feed additive to enhance the growth performance of the Linwu ducks by improving the antioxidant and intestinal mucosal status, suggesting that MA will be a potential additive to replace antibiotic (CS). (C) 2017, Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.