Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are pervasive environmental pollutants capable of inducing toxicological impacts on benthic organisms. In this study, the effects of AgNPs on the antioxidant enzyme activities, tissue damage, inflammatory responses, and reproductive toxicity of Corbicula fluminea were investigated. C. fluminea was exposed to four concentrations of AgNPs (0, 5mg/L, 10mg/L, and 125mg/L) for 48h. The results showed that the higher concentrations of AgNPs caused severe tissue damage in multiple organs of C. fluminea, induced oxidative stress and an imbalance of the antioxidant enzyme activities (such as SOD, CAT, MDA), and increased the inflammatory immune response involving NFκB, TLR2/4, HSP70/90, IL1β, and TNFα. Notably, further transmission electron microscopy and cytological analyses revealed that AgNPs exposure induced apoptosis in the gonad tissues, resulting in significant loss and damage in the oocytes and spermatids. The present study demonstrates the ecotoxicological impacts of AgNPs on freshwater bivalves, particularly highlighting their reproductive toxicity on germ cells, signifying the potential toxic effects of heavy metal pollution on aquatic ecosystems.
[Li, Mengyao; Wu, Xiaoran; Hu, Jiahao; Wang, Ji; Li, XW; Wen, Lixin; Fu, Jian; Guo, Fangrui; Li, Xiaowen; Liu, Sha] Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Vet Med, Hunan Engn Res Ctr Livestock & Poultry Hlth Care, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Li, XW; Li, Xiaowen] Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Natl Clin Res Ctr Metab Dis, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Li, XW; Li, Xiaowen] Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Minist Educ, Dept Metab & Endocrinol,Key Lab Diabet Immunol, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Li, XW; Li, Xiaowen] Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Metab Syndrome Res Ctr, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Li, XW; Li, Xiaowen] Changsha Agr & Rural Affairs Bur, Anim Epidem Prevent Dept, Changsha, Peoples R China.
[Li, XW ] H;Hunan Agr Univ, Coll Vet Med, Hunan Engn Res Ctr Livestock & Poultry Hlth Care, Changsha, Peoples R China.;Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Natl Clin Res Ctr Metab Dis, Changsha, Peoples R China.;Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Minist Educ, Dept Metab & Endocrinol,Key Lab Diabet Immunol, Changsha, Peoples R China.;Cent South Univ, Xiangya Hosp 2, Metab Syndrome Res Ctr, Changsha, Peoples R China.
Fasting duration;High-fat diet;Metabolic research;Mouse model;Nutritional research
In the study of obesity and diabetes, mice are widely used for experimental research, and fasting is a common procedure used to reset metabolism in mouse models. The fasting duration for experimental mice varies greatly in nutritional and metabolic studies, ranging from 2 to 48h. This study aims to assess the optimal fasting duration for mice fed low- and high-fat diets over a short period of time. C57BL/6J mice were fed a low-fat diet (LFD) or high-fat diet (HFD) and fasted for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 24h. The effects of different conditions after fasting on the metabolic level of mice were explored, and the data were collected for analysis. Our data indicate that fasting has inconsistent effects on mice fed a low-fat or high-fat diet. To compare the metabolic differences between mice in different dietary levels and thereby secure better scientific data, mice should fast for 6h in animal experiments. Fasting for 6h is also recommended when comparing glucose tolerance with insulin tolerance.
Deoxynivalenol (DON) is considered to be the most harmful mycotoxin that affects the intestinal health of animals and humans. Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) in feedstuff is an anti-nutritional factor and impairs nutrient digestion and absorption in the animal intestinal. In the current study, we aimed to explore the effects of PEITC on DON-induced apoptosis, intestinal tight junction disorder, and its po-tential molecular mechanism in the porcine jejunum epithelial cell line (IPEC-J2). Our results indicated that PEITC treatment markedly alleviated DON-induced cytotoxicity, decreasing the apoptotic cell per-centage and pro-apoptotic mRNA/protein levels, and increasing zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), occludin and claudin-1 mRNA/protein expression. Meanwhile, PEITC treatment ameliorated DON-induced an increase of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) mRNA levels and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, and a decrease of glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1), superoxide dis-mutase 2 (SOD2), catalase (CAT) and heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) mRNA levels. Additionally, PEITC treat-ment significantly down-regulated autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5), beclin-1 and microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3-II) mRNA/protein levels, decreased the number of green fluo-rescent protein-microtubule-associated protein 1 light-chain 3 (GFP-LC3) puncta and phosphatidylino-sitol 3 kinase (PI3K) protein expression, and up-regulated phospho-protein kinase B (p-Akt) and phospho-mammalian target of rapamycin (p-mTOR) protein expression against DON. However, the activation of autophagy by rapamycin, an autophagy agonist, abolished the protective effects of PEITC against DON-induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis and intestinal tight junction disorder. Collectively, PEITC could confer protection against DON-induced porcine intestinal epithelial cell injury by suppressing ROS-mediated autophagy. (c) 2021 Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
International Journal of Animal Science and Technology,2021年5(1):7-12 ISSN:2640-1282
[Li Xin Wen] College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China;[Yongsheng Wang; Jie Li; Bo Wang] Animal Nutrition Center of Nutrition & Health Research Institute, China Oil & Foodstuffs Corporation, Beijing, China;[Aike Li] Institute of Grain Quality and Nutrition, Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, Beijing, China;[Yuting Zhang; Junling Geng] Beijing Engineering Research Center of Livestock Products Quality and Safety Source Control, Beijing, China
Tannin;Near-infrared Spectroscopy;Sorghum
This study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of determining tannin content in sorghum grains with near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). A total of 110 sorghum grain samples were collected. The data matrix of the pretreated NIRS was randomly divided into a calibration set (Nc=77 samples) and a prediction set (Np=33 samples). The analysis of tannin content was based on the colorimetric method of GBT 15686-2008. Diffuse reflectance spectra of 110 sorghum samples were generated on a Fourier-transform NIRS with a scanning range of 12800-4000 cm-1 and resolution of 16 cm-1 and 64 scans. Several spectra pretreatment methods were compared to for an optimum spectral pretreatment method. The optimal model was determined according to coefficient of determination for calibration (R2CAL), root mean standard error of calibration (RMSECAL), coefficient of determination for cross-validation (R2CV), root mean standard error of cross-validation (RMSECV) and the residual predictive deviation (RPD). The results showed that the tannin content of the sorghum grains ranged from 0.01% to 2.12% DM with the average of 0.58%, and first derivative was the optimal spectral pretreatment with the lowest RMSECV of 0.14. The absorption peaks of the optimal model mainly located at 9402-7492 cm-1 and 5452-4244 cm-1. The RPD of calibration, cross-validation and external validation were 6.22, 4.22 and 3.0, respectively. The findings suggest that the established model using NIRS is effective to quantify tannin content in sorghum grains rapidly.
[Kehe Huang] C;College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu Province, China<&wdkj&>Institute of Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders in Domestic Animals and Fowls, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu Province, China<&wdkj&>MOE Joint International Research Laboratory of Animal Health and Food Safety, College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu Province, China
Deoxynivalenol;IPEC-J2 cell;Inflammation;NF-κB signal pathway;Phenethyl isothiocyanate
The intestinal tract is a target for the deoxynivalenol (DON), which has adverse effects in animals and humans' health by affecting intestinal functions. Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) is an important degradation product of glucosinolates (GSLs), belonging to an anti-nutritional factor that affects the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the animals' intestinal. However, little attention has been paid to the interaction and its mechanism between DON and PEITC. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of PEITC on DON-induced cytotoxicity and inflammation, and explore the potential mechanisms in IPEC-J2 cells. Our results showed that DON exposure could decrease the cell viability and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in IPEC-J2 cells in a dose-dependent manner. PEITC treatment at the concentrations of 1.25-5 mu M had no significant effect on IPECJ2 cells viability, but above 10 mu M of PEITC treatment significantly reduced the cell viability. Interestingly, 1.25-5 mu M of PEITC treatment could suppress 4 mu M of DON-induced decrease in cell viability and increase in proinflammatory cytokine expression. Meanwhile, the protein ratios of p-p65/p-65 and p-I kappa B alpha/I kappa B alpha were markedly decreased in the groups treated with 1.25-5 mu M PEITC compared to DON exposure alone. However, the protective effects of PEITC treatment were significantly blocked after pre-treatment with LPS, NF-kappa B activator, in IPEC-J2 cells. In conclusion, these findings indicated that the nontoxic dose of PEITC could alleviate DONinduced cytotoxicity and inflammation responses via suppressing the NF-kappa B signaling pathway in IPEC-J2 cells. Our results provide a new theoretical basis for the rational addition of rapeseed meal in animal feedstuff.
Laboratory of Animal Clinical Toxicology, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China;Orient Science and Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China;Hunan Collaborative Innovation Center of Animal Production Safety, Changsha, China;Changsha Lvye Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Changsha, China;[Sisi Yan; Xin Li; Haisi Xiao; Linyu Zhang; Yingfang Zhou; Lixin Wen; Ji Wang] 湖南农业大学
Soybean oil;Lard;Oxidative damage;Liver function;Kidney function
A simulate daily oriental dietary pattern (a blend of lard and soybean oil) was performed in this research to investigate influence on liver and kidney function. Sixty mice were randomly divided into 6 groups with diets of different fat added oils respectively for 12 weeks. Malondialdehyde and uric acid contents in mice fed with blended oil were significantly lower than in those fed only with soybean oil and lard due to the improved ac-tivities of antioxidant enzymes. Daily use of a blend of lard with soybean oil significantly increased antioxidant capacity, reduced lipid peroxidation of liver and serum uric acid production, thus protected liver and renal function. It also suggests that the oriental dietary pattern might reduce the risk of gout.
Lard, a fat rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), is regarded as a risk factor for metabolic diseases. In the present study, effect of different lard blended with sunflower oil diets on lipid accumulation in adipose tissue, liver, and serum by mouse model was researched. Body weight, body fat percentage, cross-sectional area of adipocytes, liver triglycerides (TGs), and oil red stained area in mice liver of lard blend sunflower oil (L-SFO) group were significantly lower than those of sunflower oil (SFO) group, whereas no significant differences were observed between mice of lard and L-SFO groups. Serum TG and free fatty acid levels were significantly lower in L-SFO group than in other two groups. Furthermore, data showed that sunflower oil decreased contents of hormone-sensitive lipase and carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT-1) and increased fatty acid synthase activity in liver tissue. A mixture of lard and sunflower oil rather than only sunflower oil or lard might promote body fat loss and reduce lipid accumulation in adipose tissue, serum, and liver by promoting hydrolysis of TG, increasingβ-oxidation of fatty acids. These data suggested that mixing lard and vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil) for cooking, or alternate using lard and vegetable oil could be beneficial for reducing body fat.
[Yan S.; Lixin Wen; Zhang L.; Zeng Y.; Liu S.; Liu X.; Zhou H.; Wang J.] Laboratory of Animal Clinical Toxicology, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China;Hunan Collaborative Innovation Center of Animal Production Safety, Changsha, China;[Wen L.] Laboratory of Animal Clinical Toxicology, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Collaborative Innovation Center of Animal Production Safety, Changsha, China
[Lixin Wen; Ji Wang] L;Laboratory of Animal Clinical Toxicology, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Collaborative Innovation Center of Animal Production Safety, Changsha, China<&wdkj&>Laboratory of Animal Clinical Toxicology, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China